The GMD Social Hobby Thread

I inherited a deck of Magic: The Gathering cards from someone recently who gave up the game. I used to know a lot of people who played this game, but I haven't really explored it. I do like the art though.
Comically enough, one might refer to a deck like that as "white weenie" when you probably would have preferred black weenie.
This seems like the right thread for this.

I really need to cut down on stress, between my job, commute, and then coming home and spending an hour or two playing competitive online games I'm way more irritable, tense, and feel like it's starting to somewhat affect my health and sleep. I can't do anything about the job/commute until next year. I ditched MMO's around 6 months ago and and now taking the next step for stuff like LoL/TF2/etc and the goal is to slowly eliminate gaming just down to single player titles that don't raise the adrenaline levels. That said I'm thinking I need a (preferably social/non-computer) hobby to fill that difficult/competitive itch that I just can't scratch.

  • I'm not much for sports. I jog and work out but don't really get much mental satisfaction from this type of stuff.
  • I played Go back in my teens. I've considered revisiting this as it's just the type of deep thought provoking hobby I need, but all the go clubs seem to be in the city and I'm way out in the burbs. (I already drive enough!)
  • I play poker with friends some, but this definitely has diminishing returns of enjoyment and sometimes the stakes raise the stress levels, so no.
  • Maybe some type of weekend board game club- like Settlers of Catan/etc. Nothing quite so hardcore or involved as Warhammer, but something with a little depth. I've also heard that a (relatively) large number of ladies do this so it might be an in to meet someone in the process?
Anything else you might could think of to fill this kind of gap would be awesome. Thanks!
This seems like the right thread for this.

  • Maybe some type of weekend board game club- like Settlers of Catan/etc. Nothing quite so hardcore or involved as Warhammer, but something with a little depth. I've also heard that a (relatively) large number of ladies do this so it might be an in to meet someone in the process?
Anything else you might could think of to fill this kind of gap would be awesome. Thanks!

If you go to boardgamegeek you will see there are tons of boardgames out there for all different depths of play, aesthetics, number of players, play mechanics, etc.

A solid group of board gaming buddies that are smart but not hyper competitive is a great way to be both mentally stimulated while relaxing.
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Would definitely not suggest poker for a relaxation strategy at all. I use the gym for this, lifting hard really helps me manage stress/anxiety
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This seems like the right thread for this.

I really need to cut down on stress, between my job, commute, and then coming home and spending an hour or two playing competitive online games I'm way more irritable, tense, and feel like it's starting to somewhat affect my health and sleep. I can't do anything about the job/commute until next year. I ditched MMO's around 6 months ago and and now taking the next step for stuff like LoL/TF2/etc and the goal is to slowly eliminate gaming just down to single player titles that don't raise the adrenaline levels. That said I'm thinking I need a (preferably social/non-computer) hobby to fill that difficult/competitive itch that I just can't scratch.

  • I'm not much for sports. I jog and work out but don't really get much mental satisfaction from this type of stuff.
  • I played Go back in my teens. I've considered revisiting this as it's just the type of deep thought provoking hobby I need, but all the go clubs seem to be in the city and I'm way out in the burbs. (I already drive enough!)
  • I play poker with friends some, but this definitely has diminishing returns of enjoyment and sometimes the stakes raise the stress levels, so no.
  • Maybe some type of weekend board game club- like Settlers of Catan/etc. Nothing quite so hardcore or involved as Warhammer, but something with a little depth. I've also heard that a (relatively) large number of ladies do this so it might be an in to meet someone in the process?
Anything else you might could think of to fill this kind of gap would be awesome. Thanks!

There are a shit ton of good board games. My wife and I host a weekly board game night with friends and its a blast. In my younger days, I went to a board game club -- we all pitched in to split cost of a board game, and then the winner keeps the game.
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This isn't a pic of my actual army, but terrain and the Darkshroud/Vengeance landspeeder aside, my Lions Blade formation + extras more or less looks like this (I need to paint a handful of tac marines and termies of what I own still...they are at least primer coated in the correct colors). If I could immediately cough up the ~$400 for free razorbacks as per the formation., I could spew them out on the terrain as well.

Edit: I also have more of Astra Militarum and roughly an equal amount of Necrons, I just couldn't find as representative of a pic and I'm not the best photographer.
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Had a pretty cool d&d night. Our cleric needed a rod to shift us out the fugue plane. Had to be iron, and forged to a specific standard. My fucking wildcard druid happened to have caltrops, summoned a fire elemental who could heat it long enough to melt, and the cleric could stone shape a mold. Boom. Exactly what we needed.

But I like sold my soul to a fiend first in exchange for five game-changing questions. The gods have basically been made mortal (time of troubles) so I figured out who did it and why, as well as determining how to become a god myself. Going real quick from neutral to evil....
Got a nice bunch of new 40K pieces over the weekend for my birfday. Two more carnifex to make a full set, some fodder gaunts, and another set of genestealers.

We also have a new dude joined in our ragtag team of miniatures nerds playing the same army as me, with about as many points. It's nice having someone to partner up with so our bugs can reach a massive swarm proper.

Invasion. Predation. Consumption. Assimilation.
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Reactions: CiG and Dak
Got a nice bunch of new 40K pieces over the weekend for my birfday. Two more carnifex to make a full set, some fodder gaunts, and another set of genestealers.

We also have a new dude joined in our ragtag team of miniatures nerds playing the same army as me, with about as many points. It's nice having someone to partner up with so our bugs can reach a massive swarm proper.

Invasion. Predation. Consumption. Assimilation.

So are you actually going to play 40k again? My wife is interested only in Tyranids for 40k lol, and I know two other wives/gfs of players that like Tyranids. Must be a girl thing :p

I finished off my dual Demi Companies for Dark Angels, now pivoting back to finishing painting up some Necron formations. Destroyer Cult, more wraiths for Canoptek Harvest, and bikes to finish up min requirements for the Reclamation Legion. All my guard stuff is pretty much done-zo but they are so frustrating to play comparatively, unless I run some allies or do mostly tanks thanks to the lack of formations. Need a new codex badly.
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Lol yeah got back into it, been playing every Saturday the last few weeks. You know us women, we love cuddly little murder machines. Just make sure she understands the importance of meat with the nids because most of their saves are total shit. And the importance of synapse creatures. Instinctive behavior is a bitch.

What do you mean lack of formations? You have a shorter cap per unit or something?