The GMD Social Hobby Thread

If you liked World War Z as a movie, your thoughts on zombie cinema is actual dogshite.

Probably. I don't claim to be an expert critic on movies in general which is why I don't talk about them here or anywhere really. If it entertains me, I usually will say I like the movie. There are a few where this isn't the case.
The point is that the zombies weren't a total snoozefest.

Yeah they were Olympic sprinters with the ability to create human ladders by sheer mass. That's gay. I'd rather watch some dude actually covered in maggots slowly chase hot Italian bitches around some cheap island and then tear her throat out and slip around in her ropey innards... But if you're cool with lame ass CGI fitness ad zombies you do you comrade.

Probably. I don't claim to be an expert critic on movies in general which is why I don't talk about them here or anywhere really. If it entertains me, I usually will say I like the movie. There are a few where this isn't the case.

Sorry I randomly became Mort/Omni.
Yeah they were Olympic sprinters with the ability to create human ladders by sheer mass. That's gay. I'd rather watch some dude actually covered in maggots slowly chase hot Italian bitches around some cheap island and then tear her throat out and slip around in her ropey innards... But if you're cool with lame ass CGI fitness ad zombies you do you comrade.

The problem with zombies is only in number. Methods for a problematic number to be produced are always questionable. WWZ provided a plausible mechanism for propogation and spread that couldn't easily be fought through traditional measures.
Movies are srs bsns. I think I've stated before I can't pay attention to movies much anymore. Everything seems to sterile and recycled. I do plan on watching the Revenant and the Martian at some point. Probably.

I'd love to see a 40k movie but I'm torn on if it has any chance to be done well. TV show would probably be better.
Interesting.... Would rather see something on Caiphus Cain or some other Guard hero than SM stuff but that's not a reasonable expectation.
Lol! That's awsome. Catan probably is the best board game ever imo, not too long games, alot of player interaction and abit of luck to make it interesting but not enough for feel bad moments.

BTW maybe I should post a few pictures on my Warhammer models, haven't painted any in a few years though. :)
Catan is fine if you don't mind the possibility of the dice royally screwing one player for an entire game. Machi Koro also has this problem but it is a little more manageable.
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I think that hardly happens, atleast if you adjust the board after setup and correct too much imbalance in the resources and number markers.