The GMD Social Hobby Thread

@Carpe: Doing some more painting shortly. I'll post some pics of my various prior work and current stuff soon I hope. Smattering of IG, DA/RW, and Necrons.

Yay model porn! I didn't know you got into necrons man. They were easily one of the armies I debated on before settling with Nids, really cool looks, tactics, and lore. You just painting or got a decent smattering of points too?
Yay model porn! I didn't know you got into necrons man. They were easily one of the armies I debated on before settling with Nids, really cool looks, tactics, and lore. You just painting or got a decent smattering of points too?

Yeah Necrons too. I'm painting to play for sure. it wasn't that hard or expensive to get up to 1850pts of Necrons, and I still need to get my hands on some Wraiths. I'd like an obelisk but I could get a whole lot of other stuff for the cost of one obelisk. I've only painted up 2 units of Warriors scarab buddies and a ghost ark atm but it won't take long to paint up the immortals, command barge, and doom scythe that are in queue.

I think right now I have something like:

3-3.5k in guard (Lotta leman russes help it hit that mark)
2k in necrons (mostly unassembled/painted atm)
1-1.5k in DA/RW

The DA/RW are mostly models I picked up on ebay ripped from the Dark vengeance box. Dirt cheap. If you watch regularly you can get 10 tac marines, 3 RW bikes, 5 termies, and a company master and librarian for ~$40. I got them to augment into my guard to provide protection against deep strikes and get those fast bikes in as guard fast attack leaves something to be desired.

Been reading some of the fluff, and definitely enjoy the Necron appearances in the fluff, little as there has been so far.
I'm big into surfing. I pretty much moved down to New Smyrna Beach so that I can surf with all of my time off. I work one week on, one week off, so that's a lot of free time. I started with a longboard and now have a 7'0 funshape I use most of the time. I have a 6'2'' shortboard that I need to start using more. Such a fun activity, even when the waves are shit it's just fun to be in the water.

I play a lot of guitar. I write some of my own shit too. Definitely my other go-to activity. I'm thinking about hitting up one of the open mic nights around here just for shits and giggles...

My other big hobby would be going to different bars and breweries and trying as many awesome craft beers I can get my hands on.
@Carpe: Next time I get stuff on the table to play I'll take a shot of whatever it is. I've painted all my Necron stuff now except some praetorians and a flyer and some HQ guys. Currently working on reworking turrets etc on my russes now that I better understand the #s and what the local meta usually plays.

Astra Militarum Commissars (kitbashed)

@Carpe: Sorry I haven't posted more, haven't had a chance to get on a table recently, and my painting has been sporadic and unfinished recently. As you can see in the background of this pic, I am working on making some convict conscripts out of a cheap lot of Catachans.
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Got a few new things for my taxidermy/ dead stuff collection. Also I currently have a monkey skull being delivered... fuck. fucking. yes.

Pictured, a deer vertebrae (came with the stand so that was a major win) and a fetal armadillo. The latter is definitely a favorite now, something you don't see often. I also got a few extra vertebrae off the lady for talking shop and being a processor/ artist myself. Ah, weirdos united.


edit: @Noume didn't even see those, fuckin nice! I dig the color scheme, very regal. Ironic because they have the jaw of Ron Perlman. Who is a savage motherfucker.

Not a great shot, but here's 1849pts of Guard prior to actual deployment, terrain setup etc. Wound up playing another guard player and pulling out a tough victory mainly due to Wyvern ownage. My/my wife's schedule this semester should actually allow me to make my FLGS's 40k night so hopefully better shots to come.
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That looks like a seriously hardcore board game. I'd like to watch and learn if people were playing that. I'm still into the lighter side of things. But I got a lot of new board games over the holiday season actually:

Ticket to Ride
Castles of Burgundy
Dungeon Roll*
Forbidden Island*
Lost Cities
Star Realms

*=games i've actually tried out. So a lot of games are still in their wrappers. I liked all three of those though.
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Reactions: unknown and Dak
I've got all of those games but Lost Cities and Star Realms, and I've played SR at the local FLGS and on the TTS a few times, probably the only Deck Builder game I like. That's a pretty great mix of game styles if you want different types of stuff to try with people.
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Castles of Burgundy and Pandemic are great

The other night, my board game group played a bunch of "small" games that don't require a lot of setup and play quickly. We played Coup, Bang, and the Art of War. Coup was, by far, the stand out. If you like The Resistance, it's by the same people. Hidden roles and calling peoples' bullshit. Bang was also a lot of fun...Italian Western game that lends itself to saying "I'm gonna bang you". Art of War was a cool Japanese dice game but didn't really warrant multiple plays
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I prefer Avalon to Coup/Resistance (primarily just a different theme). Bang Dice is also imo a better version of Bang. It's simplified but in this case better in it's simplicity. Art of War is neat for a small game.

Castles of Burgundy is probably Feld's best game. I'm not a big fan of Pandemic but I'm definitely in the minority.
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I really enjoy the modifiable board games so far, not sure what to call them. Games like Carcassonne, Hive, and Forbidden Island. Where the board constantly changes or you build your own board. Any more recs along those lines?

It seems like the type of game that is infinitely replayable since it is very different every time.
I really enjoy the modifiable board games so far, not sure what to call them. Games like Carcassonne, Hive, and Forbidden Island. Where the board constantly changes or you build your own board. Any more recs along those lines?

It seems like the type of game that is infinitely replayable since it is very different every time.

Hive is very "Chess-ish", but much more varied imo. It's pretty hard to beat Carc for variance within it's theme/style. There are other tile placement games out there. Lanterns is a highly rated newer one, only tried it once though (seemed ok but not as good imo). FI/FD are co-op and in that sense are fairly unique. Probably the closest thing would be a mini's game like Gears of War The Board Game (but not really that close). Five Tribes and Istanbul can do randomized setup sort of like FI/FD but it is not co-op and has different mechanics besides laying out tiles (both very good games though).
Do you think Forgotten Desert is different enough from Forgotten Island to warrant buying? I see it has higher reviews.

I'll check out those other ones. I think Lanterns is on my wishlist
Far as I know they are basically the same. I have FI and pretty sure I won't get FD.

I have Survive:EfAtlantis and all exp. Pretty fun lite game.
I really enjoy the modifiable board games so far, not sure what to call them. Games like Carcassonne, Hive, and Forbidden Island. Where the board constantly changes or you build your own board. Any more recs along those lines?

It seems like the type of game that is infinitely replayable since it is very different every time.

We played a game called Zombies which has you build the board as you go along, and it was pretty good.
Zombies!!!? Just about the only zombie game I'll play (not my first choice or anything). Our FLGS had/has a contingent of zombie games fanatics and the whole theme already bores me and their OMG ANOTHER ZOMBIE GAME antics sort of sealed the deal lol.