The GMD Social Hobby Thread

How is making your own scenario significant house ruling? It is even encouraged in the rulebook?

Even adjusting the scenario can't rule out the possibility of a game where one person is left bereft of resources while another person has more than they know what to do with. I've been on the positive end of a game like that and didn't remotely enjoy it. It might not be a common experience, but the mere possibility suggest the game needs work.

Dice driven games like Alien Frontiers, Castles of Burgundy, or the recent Dice City (which is similar and I think superior to MK) provide the fun of dice without the agony of watching roll after roll hand the game to one particular player.
Agree with Dak on Catan. The couple times I've played it someone ended up losing miserably because of chance basically, which makes the win and the loss less enjoyable.
Yeah they were Olympic sprinters with the ability to create human ladders by sheer mass. That's gay. I'd rather watch some dude actually covered in maggots slowly chase hot Italian bitches around some cheap island and then tear her throat out and slip around in her ropey innards... But if you're cool with lame ass CGI fitness ad zombies you do you comrade.

Sorry I randomly became Mort/Omni.

Tbh that absolutist opinion style is much more like The Butt than Omni or myself.
You wish.


Tbh that absolutist opinion style is much more like The Butt than Omni or myself.

It wasn't that comment I was talking about.

If you liked World War Z as a movie, your thoughts on zombie cinema is actual dogshite.

Fantasy seems so fuckin cool, I like their models way more than 40k. And you did a damn capital job on them!
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Thanks for the feedback!
Fun trivia, the rune on the banner (and the shields which they also have but apparently not on this picture) means "doom". Not a coincidence, the musician plays Reverend Bizarre as they march to battle. ;)

I like both fantasy and 40k, probably fantasy more because that's were I started but both have their charms.
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You confused me by quoting an unrelated comment of mine. But nerp, you and Omni are the drive-by snark commenters.

I don't do drive-by comments. I'm always willing to explain my snarky posts if someone wants to discuss them with me. Your post wasn't really similar to what I would say in wording or style.
Your thing must be arguing as a proxy for other people while often clearly not even understanding what the initial discussion was about.
It's not something that you did here. It's something that you sometimes do elsewhere.