The great and all powerful religion thread!

@Joe: Sooo, if its a crapshoot, it really doesn't matter which option you pick right? So mine is just as good as yours by that reasoning.

It actually does matter. With Atheism it's simply a no afterlife and if there is no supernatural then that is the only thing that will happen. But if there is a supernatural then your heaven or hell is a needle in a haystack the size of the universe.

We have no reason to believe that there is one, so why should we believe that there is any more than we believe that there's a universe-producing machine created by Da Vinci?


You can try and use personal experience again Dakryn. But know that there are many other ways to explain that as well. There are times I prayed for stuff and got it. But then I realize it was going to happen anyway.
Oversimplification tbh. Most fundamentalists don't consider me a Christian if they really get into beliefs with me.

Actually I wonder if it is closer to the truth to say that people who believe in salvation through Jesus Christ have overcomplicated what that means, so that the label "Christian" has taken on unnecessary and negative connotations that some (you) wish to avoid. In my view, as a non-denominational "evangelical" Christian, salvation comes through accepting Jesus as savior, and having a relationship with God through him. Pretty much that simple.
Which there is a 50/50 option of the existence of the supernatural or not.

Yes. The unexistence of any God or anything supernatural is 1/2 chance. But the existence of your God is a 1/infinity chance (if the supernatural exists) because we have no real concrete evidence to believe your God over the IPU or the flying spaghetti monster. Or anything anyone can make up off the tops of their heads.
I visited someone last night who had a Catholic tv channel added to their tv, it required buying a satellite dish and apparently a one off payment. Intriguing.
Jay Leno actually said something that made me full out laugh instead of giggle.

"A group of Atheists on PBS are having their own Christmas special: Coincidence on 34th Street."
The answer to 6 is B. Because a feathered serpent is cooler than a bearded old man or a cow.
I laughed my ass off at

This morning I started my day by insulting my mother in public, then punched out my father, my brother, and my sister. Then I gathered up all my clothes, sold them to a second-hand store, and with the proceeds bought a used Uzi and 50 rounds of ammunition. Next, I went down to the animal shelter and injected all the dogs with a drug that caused them to go insane and dive into the nearby canal where they all drowned. By this time I was hungry, so I went over to my neighbor's apple orchard and burned it down, because I wanted an orange and there weren't any. On the way home, I stopped at the local steel mill to discuss my philosophy of life with some of the guys. They laughed at me and said to stow it, so I tossed them all into the blast furnace. That night I discovered my son looking at a copy of Playboy. Concerned for his future welfare, I cut off his right hand. What historical character did my activities today most resemble?

Genghis Khan
Charles Manson
Adolph Hitler
Jesus Christ