Cavallaro is best known for his quirky work with food as art: Past efforts include repainting a Manhattan hotel room in melted mozzarella, spraying five tons of pepper jack cheese on a Wyoming home, and festooning a four-poster bed with 312 pounds of processed ham.
The wafer eats you?
So you can atone for raping a virgin by paying the dad 50 shekels? That doesn't sound very fair.
EDIT: Again, if this book is talking about a different time period, why is it so relevant today? Why do people take moral lessons from it when clearly it has some very bad lessons in it? And if you pick and choose, how do you know which are the right messages to take when this is the source of morality?
In socialism, one person works 18 hours a day for his wafer, but you sit on your ass all the time and get your wafer.
The old testament laws aren't relevant today.
that was kinda the whole point of Christ coming, abolishing the old laws and bringing the new covenant of forgiveness. You guys seem to forget completely about the existence of the new testament in these discussions.
The New Testament has possibly the worst thing of all: Hell. Do you really think it is justified for people to be TORTURED ETERNALLY for a finite crime? I certainly don't.The old testament laws aren't relevant today.
that was kinda the whole point of Christ coming, abolishing the old laws and bringing the new covenant of forgiveness. You guys seem to forget completely about the existence of the new testament in these discussions.
The New Testament has possibly the worst thing of all: Hell. Do you really think it is justified for people to be TORTURED ETERNALLY for a finite crime? I certainly don't.
But the fact that you touched your pee-pee last night makes everyone in the world suffer so much!
I said that because christians say that all sins effect other people, and I fail to see how jerking off effects anyone but you.