The great and all powerful religion thread!

name one. person who was honestly good.

never sinned, never commited any wrongdoing of any sort.

The fuck does that have to do with anything? No human being is perfect. None. The people who get the label of being a good person are simply those whose good deeds outweigh the bad. Name one person who was honestly evil. Never did anything good to any other person in his life. And don't throw out serial killers, etc. Can you honestly say that there has been one truly evil person in existence, who has never given anyone anything, or done anything polite, or anything of that nature?
Whipping out sin so soon?

Seriously, what does telling god to go fuck himself have to do with how you treat your neighbhors?

Please tell us Sigmund Fraud.

Well as God is omnipresent, that is telling one of your neighbors to go fuck himself, so id say thats treating your neighbor pretty bad.
Well as God is omnipresent, that is telling one of your neighbors to go fuck himself, so id say thats treating your neighbor pretty bad.

So if I were to say right now, "God, go fuck yourself" but I just moved my neighbhors snow off his sidewalk, i'm a bad nieghbhor?

My dog leaves more logic in neatly coiled piles on the front lawn.