The great and all powerful religion thread!

It's not a stalemate since not being able to disprove something is not evidence for something's existence. When confronted with a lack of evidence, a lack of belief should be in order.

I know, what I meant was that since uber christians like our boy here won't admit that God hasn't been proven to exist and will whip out the lack of a consistent and proven scientific theory for the creation of the universe and yet will fail to realize that intelligent design is not a consistent and proven theory for the creation of the universe.
Can you prove that he does?

And now we have the stalemate that every religious discussion boils down to.

EDIT: Ninja'd by CC.

No, I can not prove that God exists, put neither can you prove that he doesn't exist, but blessed is he who has not seen and still believed.

I still believe and have faith that he does exist, because I have no reason to believe otherwise, what do I lose if he doesn't exist?

I spent my whole life telling people about Christ, and trying to live for him. So if God doesn't exist my life was wasted trying to live for Christ in vain, and it means i lost this argument.

If God does exist, well then i lose nothing, and you lose it all. =[.
Bullshit. If God doesn't exist that means you've spent your whole life telling people lies and living for a lie. The entire meaning for your life is thrown out the window. Whereas the meaning for my life will still be intact either way, since I live my life in the realm of what I know, I.E. making my life as good as possible for myself and for those around me. If I have helped one person be happier (which I have) then the meaning of my life is intact and true, either way.
Bullshit. If God doesn't exist that means you've spent your whole life telling people lies and living for a lie. The entire meaning for your life is thrown out the window. Whereas the meaning for my life will still be intact either way, since I live my life in the realm of what I know, I.E. making my life as good as possible for myself and for those around me. If I have helped one person be happier (which I have) then the meaning of my life is intact and true, either way.

better than eternal separation from God in hell.

and if there is no God, then life is all about what makes me happy right? and being a Christian is what makes me happy, so i win either way in the end.
better than eternal separating from God in hell.

and if there is no God, then life is all about what makes me happy right? and being a Christian is what makes me happy, so i win either way in the end.

No. I live my life in being happy in truth, and you live your life in being happy in lies (if God doesn't exist). Look at it this way: you are happy in this neat little bubble you've built for yourself and I am happy in the real world. My life has more meaning and more truth. It's not just happiness I'm talking about.

Where the fuck did you learn logic? Or the ability to read for that matter...
No. I live my life in being happy in truth, and you live your life in being happy in lies (if God doesn't exist). Look at it this way: you are happy in this neat little bubble you've built for yourself and I am happy in the real world. My life has more meaning and more truth. It's not just happiness I'm talking about.

Where the fuck did you learn logic? Or the ability to read for that matter...

or im living in the truth, and your the one with the little bubble, and when you die you are tortured for all eternity for rejecting the truth even tho it was right in front of you.

you assume your right, but have no way of knowing until you die. and if you were wrong, well i guess it sucks for you.
I like Pascal's Wager because it fails on so many levels it is almost impressive. Not only is it in literally no way a convincing argument for what it supposedly tries to argue (still giving him the benefit of the doubt for it being a posthumous argument that he was never able to defend or elaborate on further), but it is at the same time practically an insult to religion itself. If I were either God myself, or a devoutly religious person, I'm pretty sure I would find the very premise of it insulting anyway.

What I am saying is that my life will have truth either way. Whether or not there is a God will not matter since I have lived my life according to the meaning of it as I see it, and that meaning is incontrovertible and can never be taken away from me. How fucking simply do I have to word it?

EDIT: @llamaking. That's a dumb fucking name.
I like Pascal's Wager because it fails on so many levels it is almost impressive. Not only is it in literally no way a convincing argument for what it supposedly tries to argue (still giving him the benefit of the doubt for it being a posthumous argument that he was never able to defend or elaborate on further), but it is at the same time practically an insult to religion itself. If I were either God myself, or a devoutly religious person, I'm pretty sure I would find the very premise of it insulting anyway.

*goes to google*
or im living in the truth, and your the one with the little bubble, and when you die you are tortured for all eternity for rejecting the truth even tho it was right in front of you.

you assume your right, but have no way of knowing until you die. and if you were wrong, well i guess it sucks for you.

Thank you for that illogical examination of his argument, Bluejay.
or im living in the truth, and your the one with the little bubble, and when you die you are tortured for all eternity for rejecting the truth even tho it was right in front of you.

you assume your right, but have no way of knowing until you die. and if you were wrong, well i guess it sucks for you.

Explain to everyone why your particular religion is correct and others aren't, please.
or im living in the truth, and your the one with the little bubble, and when you die you are tortured for all eternity for rejecting the truth even tho it was right in front of you.

you assume your right, but have no way of knowing until you die. and if you were wrong, well i guess it sucks for you.
Except our beliefs are based on reason and yours are based on an ancient text