God is basically that creepy homeless guy that shows his penis to all the girls at my school library.
The New Testament has possibly the worst thing of all: Hell. Do you really think it is justified for people to be TORTURED ETERNALLY for a finite crime? I certainly don't.
So you think it is moral for a perfectly good atheist to be tortured forever for following reason? If that's god's morality, I do think there is a higher one: mine.They wont be tortured eternally if they accept christ as their savior.
but them going to hell for all eternity, it isn't just for one finite crime. especially in the case of the people here, the crime is rejecting the almighty creator. Who took time enough to love you and care for you enough to even make you and allow you to live and draw breath. Not to mention sending his son to die for you and to bear the sin of the whole world to give you forgiveness. still even when the truth was blatantly in front of you, plain and clear, you still chose to deny it.
on another note, we might as well change the name of this thread to "the bash Christianity thread" because that is what is happening. T.T not a religion discussion.
edit: (an actual argumentive response to cc). To call God’s commands cruel is to assume that there is a standard of goodness higher than God. In the Christian worldview, what God commands is right by definition because there is no standard by which God can be judged. Let’s put the show on the other foot. What if a Christian said that atheism cannot be true because its ethical teachings are contrary to the ethics taught in the Bible? Has atheist ethics been proven wrong by this statement? No, the Christian has merely made an assertion that assumes the truth of Christianity, not an argument that proves its truth. Ditto for this objection of the atheist.
With the image of the Goat in his sig too LOL
With the image of the Goat in his sig too LOL
Ow. That hurt to read.They wont be tortured eternally if they accept christ as their savior.
but them going to hell for all eternity, it isn't just for one finite crime. especially in the case of the people here, the crime is rejecting the almighty creator. Who took time enough to love you and care for you enough to even make you and allow you to live and draw breath. Not to mention sending his son to die for you and to bear the sin of the whole world to give you forgiveness. still even when the truth was blatantly in front of you, plain and clear, you still chose to deny it.
on another note, we might as well change the name of this thread to "the bash Christianity thread" because that is what is happening. T.T not a religion discussion.
So you think it is moral for a perfectly good atheist to be tortured forever for following reason? If that's god's morality, I do think there is a higher one: mine.
EDIT: I am discussing my views on Christianity, and they happen to be very negative. If you can come up with some response that are actually reasonable, then we might have a discussion
Ow. That hurt to read.
Look at it this way (and try to open your mind for this...)
We view you as being blind and filled with ideas that are old, outdated, and patently false. You look at us as being filled with ideas that are patently false and being blind the the real truth. All I'm saying is open your mind a little bit and try to see things from our point of view. This IS a religious discussion, it just so happens that the biggest religion in the world is Christianity, or at least that is so in the English speaking world, so the non-believers focus on Christianity. I'm not gonna waste my time talking about Santeria or Wicca when the big dog on the block is Christianity... that's just stupid.
Try thinking instead of instantly reacting with all you've been told by your preachers. We might be more able to understand your point of view that way.
name one. person who was honestly good.
never sinned, never commited any wrongdoing of any sort.