The great and all powerful religion thread!

Explain to everyone why your particular religion is correct and others aren't, please.

There are similarities between Christianity and other religions, but there are also differences. To look at the similarities but ignore the differences is intellectually dishonest. It amounts to the fallacy of equivocation. For example, several religions command people to love, but love is defined differently. Buddha commanded love for your neighbor, but not because your neighbor has any value, but merely as a means to destroy your own individuality and be absorbed into the oneness of the universe. In Hinduism, heaven is a big sex orgy. Is that truly love? There are legends in other religions of resurrection from the dead, but the fact these religions teach that those who were resurrected are products of an ultimately impersonal universe in which all being is ultimately one, as opposed to the Christian teaching of Christ’s dual nature and the absolute distinction in being between Creator and creation, gives a very different meaning to those resurrections.

Very few religions are, in fact, theistic. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism are atheistic. Hinduism has many gods, but impersonal forces ultimately control the universe. The only religions that teach a personal and sovereign God similar to Christianity are Judaism and Islam. But they have their origin in the same Biblical revelation; thus the truth of each one can be evaluated by their conformity to that common revelation. And the Christian would argue that Judaism and Islam do not consistently hold to the concept of an absolute God, such as in their view that salvation is by human works rather than by God’s grace.

Im not going to say mine is correct, but these are the main reasons why im a Christian over other religions.
at this point, im leaving the argument due to the fact that people are getting pissed off, and i don't want to ruin friendships, and other discussions that i may have with you guys.

you may see it as a cop out if you wish, taunt me if you must.

thanx for the debate

and others.
That makes sense in a way but it is rather stupid: it doesn't take into account people who would rather be right than happy.

Or people who don't give a fuck, like me.
Or the fact you can't just believe something because you want to. Or the fact that there is an infinite number of gods to believe in, including one who rewards skepticism and punishes faith. There are more flaws.
Or the fact you can't just believe something because you want to. Or the fact that there is an infinite number of gods to believe in, including one who rewards skepticism and punishes faith. There are more flaws.

Yeah, that's just the first one I saw. I didn't think that hard about it or examine it that closely, I just gave it a brief overview.
There are similarities between Christianity and other religions, but there are also differences. To look at the similarities but ignore the differences is intellectually dishonest. It amounts to the fallacy of equivocation. For example, several religions command people to love, but love is defined differently. Buddha commanded love for your neighbor, but not because your neighbor has any value, but merely as a means to destroy your own individuality and be absorbed into the oneness of the universe. In Hinduism, heaven is a big sex orgy. Is that truly love? There are legends in other religions of resurrection from the dead, but the fact these religions teach that those who were resurrected are products of an ultimately impersonal universe in which all being is ultimately one, as opposed to the Christian teaching of Christ’s dual nature and the absolute distinction in being between Creator and creation, gives a very different meaning to those resurrections.

Very few religions are, in fact, theistic. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism are atheistic. Hinduism has many gods, but impersonal forces ultimately control the universe. The only religions that teach a personal and sovereign God similar to Christianity are Judaism and Islam. But they have their origin in the same Biblical revelation; thus the truth of each one can be evaluated by their conformity to that common revelation. And the Christian would argue that Judaism and Islam do not consistently hold to the concept of an absolute God, such as in their view that salvation is by human works rather than by God’s grace.

Im not going to say mine is correct, but these are the main reasons why im a Christian over other religions.

Wow, this post was worthless.
at this point, im leaving the argument due to the fact that people are getting pissed off, and i don't want to ruin friendships, and other discussions that i may have with you guys.

you may see it as a cop out if you wish, taunt me if you must.

thanx for the debate

and others.

Dude, I said it earlier, I was having fun. I'm not pissed at all, I'm fucking amused.