The great and all powerful religion thread!

You dumbass, most of his interviews involve him spewing hedonistic bullshit; the guy knew showmanship - and he definitely knew how he wanted satanism to be portrayed by the media.
Occult Satanism must be all this bullshit that Black Funeral is promoting, with all these ritual paraphernalia and what not in their myspace bulletins.

Either that or some sort of Vampire cult.



I can understand the motive of following a LaVeyan Satanist philosophy (assuming one is willing to disregard that most would think it's "shitty" to only be concerned with gratifying themself). However, I don't think Satanism is an appropriate term and implies association with Satan despite the person presumably being an atheist.

Is anyone familiar with the MLO? I find what I know about it interesting but there's little information about it and their website is somewhat difficult to understand. This kind of stuff intrigues me. :p
It's interesting, but not much more than that.

On the subject of Satan in LaVeyan and other symbolic Satanism: That just further corroborates the proposition of the philosophy itself, namely the prosperity and egocentrism of the individual. The Satanists themselves know that there is no Satan, but they portray it and use the terminology and iconography for the benefit of exposing it in an objectionable manner to the general public. Satanism's focus is on the outsiders rather than the insiders; it's as much about perception without as it is understanding within.
It's interesting, but not much more than that.

On the subject of Satan in LaVeyan and other symbolic Satanism: That just further corroborates the proposition of the philosophy itself, namely the prosperity and egocentrism of the individual. The Satanists themselves know that there is no Satan, but they portray it and use the terminology and iconography for the benefit of exposing it in an objectionable manner to the general public. Satanism's focus is on the outsiders rather than the insiders; it's as much about perception without as it is understanding within.

Well it just seems like LaVey took Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas, expanded on them, and then applied Satanism to it. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't "-ism" mean to directly worship something?
I like how you make up stuff and think it's true

I like you make stuff up and then post it on the internet thinking it's a legitimate argument

I also like how you are a fucking hypocrite.

How can you be absolutely certain about things like this? There is no way to know for sure. How you can think that you actually know more than the next guy on this is insane.
Making up a spiritual being for comfort is completely childish. Why don't people feel like waking up and facing reality?
Mathiäs;6858999 said:
I like you make stuff up and then post it on the internet thinking it's a legitimate argument

I also like how you are a fucking hypocrite.

How can you be absolutely certain about things like this? There is no way to know for sure. How you can think that you actually know more than the next guy on this is insane.
Except my view is based on rational thought. I have devoted a lot of thought to this, weighing the evidence and coming to my conclusion. You on the other hand believe a fairy tale. I am not absolutely certain in the truest sense of the word, but I am as certain that there is no god/satan as I am that there are no leprechauns or Martians.
Well, faith is what matters when it comes down to it. An incomprehensible god can't physically show himself so there's no direct evidence to prove that he exists.