dream death were probly the first death/doom band, probably the best for that matter. stuff like asphyx and autopsy is part of that conversation too, and obviously winter and cathedral. and the godfather of all of this stuff is hellhammer of course.
agreed on fates warning, queensryche and watchtower for prog. but i'd happily also agree that fates warning weren't really prog - that'd explain why i love fates warning so much.
i hate calling 'depressive black metal' a genre, but if you're gonna start talking about strid then bethlehem have gotta be in there too.
definite agreement on sir lord baltimore for proto-metal! also stuff like cream, blue cheer, wishbone ash, iron butterfly.
let's face it though, the absolute most innovative bands tend to be those which people still struggle to define today. remember that argument about what the fuck celtic frost were?