the hate thread

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Sometimes I lump love with despair or sorrow. I don't know if I have ever expirienced the feeling or essense of that emotion fully to really know what is as a real expirience. I have been lovelorn but that's it. You feel this connection with someone that does not love you that likes you and you can't do anything about it. You just get this overwelming feeling almost sorrowfilled or emotionally drained. Not a feeling of rejection regardless you being rejected, an emotion that is just beyond. :lol:.

Damn you for anyone mentioning love. I start actually thinking about emotion. I don't want to think about any emotion at all. I just like being depressed not thinking about anything except nothingness. I prefere being mentally dead. I think of when this chick I use to know and talk with. We got along for months before I even attempted to go in for the kill and was just rejected. That's when I really had no idea about the female sex. I originally thought that the only way to go out with someone was to connect with them based on nothing to do with having sex. Now I think people have to be sexually attracted based on a first glance then talk. I always now just expect a female to just approach me because she likes the way I look. I don't bother wanting to meet anyone. Either you like me or you don't. I don't want to talk to you for a months just to get nothing. I'm the one that expects to just meet someone on accident. When you think about it that's pretty stupid. What is the chance of being randomly approached.
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Montu Sekhmet said:
Thanks for the concern. The one good thing about it is she died without too much pain.

My aunt died as well, a few months ago. The shock was, it was so unexpected. She was fine one day, in the hospital the next, and passed away the following day.
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