Tyrants and Slaves
cookiecutter said:Yeah I saw the monstrosity and kept scrolling the mouse wheel.
I do that way too much.
cookiecutter said:Yeah I saw the monstrosity and kept scrolling the mouse wheel.
Mike27 said:My aunt died as well, a few months ago. The shock was, it was so unexpected. She was fine one day, in the hospital the next, and passed away the following day.
The Greys said:I know a women that died of cancer recently. She devoted her life to god and then died from cancer. What a nice reward from the man up stairs. Let a women die in bed in hospital that prays to you and sits in your sanctuary for 60 years. Where is that proof she will be granted something in return for suffering or why should I even care about heaven. I hope to never pass the gates. I never believe in god anyways before this or after.
The Greys said:That's the thing I don't believe god could even save who he felt was his most devoted follower because he does not exist. Peoples diseases are not cured because they're actually a reality and heaven is not real. People praying to have their disease cured are just gripping onto a last resort and if they believe it they lied to themselves. Does someone really think gods wrath is going to stop a virus running through their body tearing them. I think since 12 have been atheist.
(M)aggoT said:A priest in my school said that god can take someones life like that, for no reason. He gave an example of a young boy who was very religious and he died of nothing, he wasn't sick, he didn't have a cancer or anything like that, he just passed away. What a pile of bullshit.![]()
Montu Sekhmet said:drug addict
The Greys said:The more of you that think I or him are stupid means that we're the smartest. keep 'em coming
(M)aggoT said:We aren't dumber, we just don't believe in bible miracles, and we don't find any sense in unexpected death of a healthy, religious person.
The Greys said:Me and maggot are probably the most intelligent on this board since you disagree. The more of you that think I or him are stupid means that we're the smartest. keep 'em coming