the hate thread

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Zhou Tai 04 said:
I hate white chocolate.


I hate that my boyfriend lives in absolute filth. I'm going over his house today to clean his room. =\

He has good hygiene in terms of keeping himself clean.. but his room is disgusting. I hate to even be in it. And part of it is he's too cheap to buy anything new. His mattress is so old the stuffing is falling out of it... his sheets have barely any thread left (and he never changes them) and everything is just so old and dirty. The floor literally has piles of dust in all the corners and around the furniture.

I know his family doesn't have a lot of money... but he needs a new fucking mattress. And new sheets, at least. And I know that if I suggest any of that he'll be even less likely to do it. Maybe once he's out of Grad school, I know it's hard to spend money when you're worried about finishing the schooling you need.
^ Once you've cleaned his room - you will do it always. Coz he will know that he shouldnt really bother as you'll do it yourself.
no shit why do it yourself when you have that kind of service.

I hate it when your shit gets crossed out.
Storms are cool until it's lightning(when rain hasnot hit yet), you are in a feild or big opening with a metal weedwhacker or a lawn mower. You want to stop but standing around is boring and you are losing time so you just chance it not knowing if a bolt of lightning is going to pick you out any random moment. You are just a human and a bolt of light can dictate your fate which is scary for some. I have heard about people getting electrocuted in fields with metal objects all the time(golfers,mowers,etc.._

I guess it does not matter because you are iching so much from bugs if you were electrocuted and killed you would not even care at that point.
I hate nasal pills. My nose was clogged last night because the pollen. I took two pills, 30 minutes later I was so tired I had to go to bed and could not even stay awake missing the end of an item auction on ebay losing. god damn
The Greys said:
I hate nasal pills. My nose was clogged last night because the pollen. I took two pills, 30 minutes later I was so tired I had to go to bed and could not even stay awake missing the end of an item auction on ebay losing. god damn

Do you get fucked by the pollen as well hey, same here, fucken sucks hey...along with my athsma it fucks me up big time, got these wicked tablets to take though...Clarentine :kickass:
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