the hate thread

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DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Maybe my problem with Aussies lies solely with that Steve Irwin douche and Crocodile Dundee?

Most Aussies have a pretty huge problem with those fucking idiots too.

How would you like it if your dumbest citizen became spokesperson for the entire country?

Oh wait...

Décadent said:
Most Aussies have a pretty huge problem with those fucking idiots too.

How would you like it if your dumbest citizen became spokesperson for the entire country?

Oh wait...


I despise Steve Irwin as much as the next guy, aint fair to judge all upon 2 idiotic stereotyped Aussies who represent about .000001% of the total population
- I hate people with short hair
- I hate animals and people who think they have rights (they don't)
- I hate it when people leave hairs on the soap in the bathroom (gross!!)
- I hate it when people don't know the full story but assume their view is right
- I hate emotions
- I hate people who care about stuff which isn't worth caring about (their looks when they're fat anyway etc...)
- I hate fat people, they're disgusting
- I hate disabled people
- I hate how people have a conception of what a "good citizen" is, and are proud of being one, even though no one actually is one
- I hate evolution
- I hate women (in general)
I like how this thread actually has a spin of positivity...!

oh wait...I'm supposed to say I hate something...

I hate when people think metal is a subgenre of rock music. It's not.
I hate people that can't fucking appreciate traditional Metal because they're worthless FAGGOTS (there is no other reason).
~Neurotica said:
I fucking hate them too. The stupidest beings ever.

Oh yeah, reallll stupid. More stupid than militant KKK members and NRA members and Neo Nazi Punks.

Damn militant feminists, wanting men to suffer. God damn them for being Pro Choice, damnit!! When women picket outside of town hall, oh dude it's the worst thing, ever.
Dalas said:
- I hate animals and people who think they have rights (they don't)

You have to gain rights and equality. Not everyone is equal regardless what sex or race. You are born with nothing and it is your choice to gain your rights and freedoms or whatever it is you want or think you are here for.
The Greys, you could be right, but I think the OP was saying that he hates people who think that animals have any rights.

Which they do. Everyone who lives on this Earth has certain intrinsic rights.
I hate listening to repetitive pop from the radio at work, fuck it's like they repeat any given song at least 10 times a day

I hate xian fundamentalists, even though i haven't met any in real life

I hate it when people send me music but won't try to hear what i send them, so i've stopped trying

I hate hip-hop, rap and R&B.

I hate the fact that the newest trend in asian countries is to emulate above styles, even though they have no minorities in them who have been historically enslaved/oppressed to speak of.

I hate the fact that just about every other person who is asian like me loves idol pop/pop from anime.
Probably. The persons sentence could mean that or what I thought because the way it is worded.
Susperia said:
Oh yeah, reallll stupid. More stupid than militant KKK members and NRA members and Neo Nazi Punks.

Damn militant feminists, wanting men to suffer. God damn them for being Pro Choice, damnit!! When women picket outside of town hall, oh dude it's the worst thing, ever.

1. Well, at least KKK members were not thats stupid and had some idea that they believed in.

2. I hate ppl who hate animals. I'd better live with dogs around than with some of that fucking jerks that surround me.
Animals have rights until they start pissing everywhere and you can't do anything about it. That's when you see animals are animals and don't have rights anymore like being in a house or sheltered because they are just slobs that should be in the woods where they belong instead of being domesticated.

I want to get rid of one of our cats but other family members will not agree. I'm sorry but an animal is not worth more than things we have to pay for with earned money.
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