the hate thread

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The_Isle said:
what the hell is the feminist's place in today's world anyway?
Hasn't the movement already achieved just about everything it had set as its goals?

hooooooly shit you are fucking ignorant
Femimism would be like someone saying all bands or artists are equal because they're 'artists', should make the same money have have the same status same promotion,etc...

I personally don't understand thinks like feminism.
The Greys said:
Femimism would be like someone saying all bands or artists are equal because they're 'artists', should make the same money have have the same status same promotion,etc...

that isnt analogous at all, just because you cant understand the world in terms of anything other than "I PLAY GUITAR" doesn't give you an excuse to be fucking retarded
Susperia said:
^^Aww poor baby boy, life's tough in't?

DeathsSweetEmbrace: What's your beef with vegans?

Believe it or not, veganism is not natural. One only needs to look at the omnivorous diets of our closest genetic relatives (chimpanzees). Also, there is undeniable evidence in the fossil record of primitive humanoids that they also consumed meat. Animal flesh is a good source of protein and certain nutrients. Our bodies require these things to be healthy, and depriving one's self of them is not healthy or natural.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Believe it or not, veganism is not natural. One only needs to look at the omnivorous diets of our closest genetic relatives (chimpanzees). Also, there is undeniable evidence in the fossil record of primitive humanoids that they also consumed meat. Animal flesh is a good source of protein and certain nutrients. Our bodies require these things to be healthy, and depriving one's self of them is not healthy or natural.

Please don't get her started.
Music is more important than people thinking everyone is equal. I would rather play and hear music over knowing about people who think people are equal!
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Believe it or not, veganism is not natural. One only needs to look at the omnivorous diets of our closest genetic relatives (chimpanzees). Also, there is undeniable evidence in the fossil record of primitive humanoids that they also consumed meat. Animal flesh is a good source of protein and certain nutrients. Our bodies require these things to be healthy, and depriving one's self of them is not healthy or natural.

"not natural" is a meaningless copout, as humans we are OF NATURE and so EVERYTHING WE DO is "natural". as for "unhealthy," there's plenty of evidence out there to demonstrate that that needn't be the case. sure, meat is a good source of certain nutrients, but those aren't unavailable in a vegan diet. you'd be better off just saying you hate people who eat unhealthily. even then though, i don't know why you'd be so concerned with the lifestyle choices of other people that don't affect you.

The Greys said:
Music is more important than people thinking everyone is equal. I would rather play and hear music over knowing about people who think people are equal!

then stop attempting to possess any opinion on the matter because you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Spectacular Views said:
"not natural" is a meaningless copout, as humans we are OF NATURE and so EVERYTHING WE DO is "natural".

So when a guy shits on a woman's chest and then sticks a wine bottle up her ass that's natural because people are doing it with things that are derived from nature?
I hate it when it's sunny monday thru friday and rains saturday and sunday.

I hate when I press f5 and there's no new posts in this forum.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
So when a guy shits on a woman's chest and then sticks a wine bottle up her ass that's natural because people are doing it with things that are derived from nature?

how exactly is it unnatural? all you mean by that is that most people don't do it. face it, the term "unnatural" has no place in describing human behavior unless we're talking about things that are inarguably impossible (flight for instance).
Spectacular Views said:
even then though, i don't know why you'd be so concerned with the lifestyle choices of other people that don't affect you.

Vegans like to tell you that they're vegans and are therefore more environmentally conscious, better, healthier, etc. It's annoying.
Necuratul said:
Vegans like to tell you that they're vegans and are therefore more environmentally conscious, better, healthier, etc. It's annoying.

of course you think that, because you dont know about all the vegans who don't like to tell you that they're vegans because THEY DON'T TELL YOU
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