the hate thread

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Symphony X are fucking ugly.

As a male I usually don't say other dudes are ugly.
Spectacular Views said:
i don't know why you'd be so concerned with the lifestyle choices of other people that don't affect you.

Depends. When you see that something like 60% of all people are overweight and a good portion of those are suffering from heart disease and other symptoms because of that, and that I live in a country with a social healthcare system where everyone basically pays for everyone else, I'd say it does affect me. People need to stop being fucking lard asses because I don't want to have to help pay for their triple bypass surgeries just because they insist on ingesting five hamburgers, two steaks and three gallons of coke a day.

Also when I use public transportation I generally like being the only person who is infact sitting in my seat and not have half of someone else's ass on it as well. Fat people should be banned from public transporation. They could use the exercise anyway.

I'm not against eating meat in any way though. Just against people eating a whole fucking cow at once.
The Greys said:
Symphony X are fucking ugly.

As a male I usually don't say other dudes are ugly.

hahaha, maybe so, but honestly, I dont care how fat and ugly a guitarist maybe, shit if Romeo was as big as jabba the hut and he could still play guitar like a madman, I wouln't care.
Narg n Lamb said:
hahaha, maybe so, but honestly, I dont care how fat and ugly a guitarist maybe, shit if Romeo was as big as jabba the hut and he could still play guitar like a madman, I wouln't care.

But you wouldn't s3x him
Vital Remains said:
i fucking hate dragonforce and i fucking hate avenged fucking sevenfold and all those other fucking emo bullshit bands

I am making an official motion for the perma-banning of Consuming Impulse. He has wreaked havoc on this forum for months showing no respect for anyone, constantly attacking others for their tastes in music and displaying flagrant immaturity.

This bastard child should be taught a lesson. We must be liberated from his unwanted presence.

Erik and/or Deron, it's your call. I trust you will make the right decision.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Believe it or not, veganism is not natural. One only needs to look at the omnivorous diets of our closest genetic relatives (chimpanzees). Also, there is undeniable evidence in the fossil record of primitive humanoids that they also consumed meat. Animal flesh is a good source of protein and certain nutrients. Our bodies require these things to be healthy, and depriving one's self of them is not healthy or natural.

Okay I hate to do this because you're a cool guy, but look at yourself. And then look at me. You are overweight. I am not. I am healthier than you are... I have been a vegan for 7 years now. If it was unhealthy and unatural don't you think I'd start to look very sickly by now? Lose my hair, my skin would turn some unhealthy color, bags/dark circles under my eyes, unhealthy nails, blood pressure, etc. Though the doctor's all tell me I'm perfectly healthy and have incredibly good blood pressure, stamina, etc etc.

And yes veganism is perfectly natural. And since when do chimpanzees eat meat other than a few insects here and there??
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
So when a guy shits on a woman's chest and then sticks a wine bottle up her ass that's natural because people are doing it with things that are derived from nature?

To me.. people are now so incredibly removed from nature. As a Western society, we've removed ourself from nature. We are no longer a part of the almighty food chain, no matter how much you wish we were. We buy our food from a grocery store. Who here has a garden? Who hunts for their food? None of us do. We are not really part of the food chain anymore. So don't fucking tell me what is natural and what isn't about the way I live.
Narg n Lamb said:
honestly, if people decide to become vegitarian or vegan thats ok, more beef for beef lovers. But if they decide to come up to me and tell me that im an animal killer or some other stupid shit, then they can just go fuck themselves.

Actually it's less beef for you because the consumer demand goes down. Duh.
Zephyrus said:
I am making an official motion for the perma-banning of Consuming Impulse. He has wreaked havoc on this forum for months showing no respect for anyone, constantly attacking others for their tastes in music and displaying flagrant immaturity.

This bastard child should be taught a lesson. We must be liberated from his unwanted presence.

Erik and/or Deron, it's your call. I trust you will make the right decision.

What is the prob, Zeph? He doesnt attack ppl for their tastes, he just says that he hates some bands that the most out here do like. Its not a reason to be banned or something.
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