the hate thread

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Amarantus said:
Yes I understand what you are saying Neurotica. My comments are all in good humor, jokes etc. This guy is serious. Besides, I never told someone they need to die or go kill yourself etc.

Well, I'm surprised you take it so close, to be honest. But whatever.
I just doubt he'll be perm banned for PM, really.
1. Chimpanzees also hunt larger animals, such as rodents, birds, and monkeys.
2. I think the standards for a proper weight are unrealistic. You would call me overweight, yet I would call you underweight. And I guarantee you the reason I have a large deposit of fat in my abdomen is because of vegetable based foods: potato chips, pretzels, beer, even fucking Cheetos. The last time I had a medical examination (about 1 month ago) I was told by my physician I was in good health but I should stop smoking. Not one mention was made of my naturally thicker frame.
Despite all this, Susperia, you are not an militant vegan bitch and (generally) don't accuse us omnivores of murder. I think you'd know by now that I tend to get ornery and like to push peoples' buttons. That is the reason I made this post in the first place: Origional Post
So to Pinky and Danallica and everyone else who took great offense, I'm sorry and I love you guys (how fucking inappropriate is that in this thread?!)
ah i love you to Deaths..., but not in a poofie way:erk:

no offense taken
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Thanks bro. If you were poofie, you'd probably find me fat and unattractive anyway.

nah bro, im somewhat overweight myself
Fat ist krieg.
~Neurotica said:
Well, I'm surprised you take it so close, to be honest. But whatever.
I just doubt he'll be perm banned for PM, really.

He was an utter cunt to that 13 year old kid, for like, 72937379 posts. To be honest, after discovering the joy of the "ignore" option, I don't need to call for people to be banned - the ignore button does it for me!

Much better for the blood pressure. The only downer is when people quote the people you're ignorng, but to be honest, it makes e chortle to see the same people spouting the same fucking garbage!
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
yes. unless you're getting meat from a good butcher shop. but that stuff is expensive as fuck

Sometimes, cheapest does not mean best value. I buy most of our meat from the local butcher - who gets his stock from local non-chemically fed traditionally fed animals. The difference between it and supermarket meats are immense.

I hate it when vegetarians tell me I wouldnt kill the animals I eat. Little do they fucking know that I come from a family of butchers, coppers and soldiers!:kickass:
Carcassian said:
Sometimes, cheapest does not mean best value. I buy most of our meat from the local butcher - who gets his stock from local non-chemically fed traditionally fed animals. The difference between it and supermarket meats are immense.

hel yeah! thats what im talking about!
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
1. Chimpanzees also hunt larger animals, such as rodents, birds, and monkeys.
2. I think the standards for a proper weight are unrealistic. You would call me overweight, yet I would call you underweight. And I guarantee you the reason I have a large deposit of fat in my abdomen is because of vegetable based foods: potato chips, pretzels, beer, even fucking Cheetos. The last time I had a medical examination (about 1 month ago) I was told by my physician I was in good health but I should stop smoking. Not one mention was made of my naturally thicker frame.
Despite all this, Susperia, you are not an militant vegan bitch and (generally) don't accuse us omnivores of murder. I think you'd know by now that I tend to get ornery and like to push peoples' buttons. That is the reason I made this post in the first place: Origional Post
So to Pinky and Danallica and everyone else who took great offense, I'm sorry and I love you guys (how fucking inappropriate is that in this thread?!)

It's cool man. I don't take offense to people eating meat. I just don't approve of the way in which we cultivate it at this point, and what it's doing to our earth, ozone layer, etc. Eating meat (in moderation) is okay. Life is survival of the fittest after all (or was supposed to be...). I know I would never eat meat though because I could never bring myself to kill an animal, skin it, chop it up, and cook it. So if I don't have the guts to do that, why make someone else do it just because I "like how it tastes"?

So to get this settled: No, I don't have a problem with you, or anyone here, eating meat. I only have a problem when you guys do the lame, cliche route of saying how yummy it is and how you're chomping on a leg right now, etc. Or try to call me unhealthy and unnatural... since it's been scientifically proven at this point that veganism can be very healthy. Just stay away from the potato chips and Cola.

And I love you too. =)
I hate when people go "Can I ask you a question?"

You just asked me a fucking question so it's a bit late now isn't it? Just ask what you wanted to ask!

I usually give them a swift, stern "NO" before they have time to finish their goddamn rhetorical question.
Let me tell you what I fucking hate right now. I hate having just worked 70 hours in the last four days (I shit you not), and then having the desire to play Reverend Bizarre, only to forget that I didnt put it back on the racks, can't remember where I left it in this fucking massive cunting house, and I havent ripped it to MP3 yet.


I'm gonna have to fucking buy it. Again. I can't even find the CD-R I had before the original came.

Mate, my house is fucking HUGE.

It's easier to buy another. I can always give the spare to my brother when it surfaces.
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