the hate thread

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I hate ancient, decrepit people who have no business driving. I was on the way to the store to get some beer, and it was a 4 lane street. This old hag was in the left lane, doing about 2 mph., so I decide to pass her on the right lane. Exactly at the moment, she decides to merge to the right, without signaling. I screech to a halt, and I swear she would have kept right on driving if she didn't see the smoke rolling off of my tires from locking the breaks. To make a long story short, the police were called, and she tried to tell the cop that I turned into her instead of the other way around. The make things worse, my drivers license is expired, so I get a fucking ticket. Fucking Christ, I hate driving!
I hate trying to figure out guitar solos for my songs. I must just fuck this aspect and not have any period. When I think about it is not the 80's so now I really don't care at all about leads. I feel better
i hate the dallas mavericks. but we raped em, so meh...


i love that this week i've heard 3 different respected broadcasters/analysts predict Tim Duncan to have an MVP candidate year this season, fuck this "past his prime" shite, he's in the best shape of his career... if he gets a third MVP award at 30 to go along with his 3 (make that 4 this year) championship rings, he's officially the best player in the fucking game and FUCK STEVE NASH AND FUCK KEVIN GARNETT AND FUCKOFF FUCKING STUPID FUCK SHAQUILLE O'NEAL... and Nowitzki can kiss my balls too... i love basketball...




I hate that I can't find a can-opener to open coffee. When the fuck did we not have one.

I have figure out how to make instant coffee. Do you have to boil the water like it says or could you get away with just heating up the water in a microwave.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I hate ancient, decrepit people who have no business driving. I was on the way to the store to get some beer, and it was a 4 lane street. This old hag was in the left lane, doing about 2 mph., so I decide to pass her on the right lane. Exactly at the moment, she decides to merge to the right, without signaling. I screech to a halt, and I swear she would have kept right on driving if she didn't see the smoke rolling off of my tires from locking the breaks. To make a long story short, the police were called, and she tried to tell the cop that I turned into her instead of the other way around. The make things worse, my drivers license is expired, so I get a fucking ticket. Fucking Christ, I hate driving!

Yeah I got into a little ''accident" this weekend too... it was my fault though. My boyfriend and I were supposed to have lunch with my dad but Sean was late as usual and my dad called me kind of angry like ''where the hell are you guys???" And so I was annoyed and as soon as Sean got to my house I told him to get in the car and let's go.
So I jumped in my car and put it in reverse and pressed the gas before I turned around and saw that I was about to collide into my brother's friend's massive truck parked behind me. Before I could react BAM! I hit it with quite a bit of force and so one side of my bumper is all smooshed and one tail light lens completely gone.
I was so angry, and I felt so stupid. I didn't know he was parked behind me and I was in a rush because my dad was mad at me. Anyway I don't feel bad about who I hit because I didn't even scratch their massive truck, and my brother's friend is a total douche anyway. I didn't even apologize to him.

I know it was all my fault, but I'm still angry because we have a big driveway and there were plenty of other places to park than behind my car! And I'm very sad I hurt my car. =(

edit: And of course now I have to pay for it :mad:

p.s. Greys stop drinking coffee good god man.
Just because of your mood it does not mean you can't look around too see what's there and going on. :lol:


Right when you get in a car it's obvious to look in the front mirror and side mirrors.

Don't kill anyone!!!!. Just because you are a female it does not mean you can't know how to drive.
Um. No shit sherlock. Notice I said it was all my fault several times in my last message?

edit: Shit happens. That's the first "car accident" (if you can even call it that) i've ever been in, ever, in my entire life. It was due time I'd say.
Susperia said:
Um. No shit sherlock. Notice I said it was all my fault several times in my last message?

edit: Shit happens. That's the first "car accident" (if you can even call it that) i've ever been in, ever, in my entire life. It was due time I'd say.

I'm just kidding with you. I know people make basic mistakes and learn from mistakes. Majority of the time that's how I learn!!!. I can't see myself hitting a parked vehicle though.
I hate how Montreal gets great shows (for example: Destruction, Sadus, & Municipal Waste in a few months) but I have no way to get there.

The first time I drove was with an old ford explorer(I had no expirience with driving at all prior) and did something really dumb, not as dumb as what you did but pretty close.

I'm not going to mention what, but feel free to laugh and imagine.
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