the hate thread

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I hate when you are watching TV and come across commercials about gas and also constipation. That one guy that talks about colon cleansing is creepy!. Keep your stool problems to yourself and go to the store and figure out how to cure your intestine.
I'm pretty sure people drink and eat things while watching TV. shows and movies are editted to hell but some guy can talk about shit until his viewers turn into their own shit.
I have been trying to improve my lead playing lately and also regular rythmn chords. I think warming up this way makes my rythmn playing better so when it's time to make riffs can hammer them out easier. I generally do not just start with rythmn and trying to make metal riffs.
I generally warm up with some slower paced "chugga chugga" palm muting, and then I gradually speed it up. Then I start playing riffs and songs. I find that sometimes, when I'm doing fast palm muting or tremolo picking for a few minutes nonstop, my wrist starts to hurt. If your wrist hurts after a few minutes of that kind of playing, your wrist isn't loose enough. As odd as it sounds, it is best for your wrist to feel totally relaxed when picking like that, even though it seems contradictory to have a relaxed wrist when you are trying to pick so fast and percisely.
I can play bass. I can't read bass transcriptions though.

I can't read guitar transcriptions/music or write music and do not even give a shit. I just expand off basic theory and chords. I forget chord names etc...

Aslong as you can hear you are playing chords and think notes you hit are right that's the only thing that matters imo.
I can't read guitar transcriptions/music or write music and do not even give a shit. I just expand off basic theory and chords. I forget chord names etc...

Aslong as you can hear you are playing chords and think notes you hit are right that's the only thing that matters imo.

Playing by ear FTW. Playing with sheet music or tabs only slows me down.
I can't read guitar transcriptions/music or write music and do not even give a shit. I just expand off basic theory and chords. I forget chord names etc...

Aslong as you can hear you are playing chords and think notes you hit are right that's the only thing that matters imo.

I like being able to read and it is essential for a classical musician like me.

Playing by ear FTW. Playing with sheet music or tabs only slows me down.

Oh yes, I use my ear almost all the time in metal.
I hate Teh Interweb pron being too fucking short. Who can jerk off in less than one minute ? (Please note: this is a rhetorical question)
The only thing good about Sundays is football, and Sundays just totally suck if it's not football season.

Big game for the pats tommorrow. The saints game is gonna be fun tonight, i would like to see them win. It's just gonna be me, the game, and a box of girl scout thin mints. mmmmmmmm.
I bought the CD tonight. My computer doesn't even recognize it. I'll see if I can import it on my friend's computer sometime soon, then he can send me the songs by some other medium. For now I can enjoy it with a CD player.
Oh, and I've been fed up with this fucking message more and more...

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