the hate thread

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cookiecutter said:
Believing that something with no evidence of existence does not exist is not faith.

You're right, faith is when there IS evidence of existence. Not everyone believes what they do just because their parents told them to do so, many people believe because they FEEL the presence of a higher power. That, while not being objectively or scientifically provable, is evidence enough for many people to hold the faith they do.
cookiecutter said:
The burden of proof is on the accuser though. My belief is based upon rational thought and fact. As of now it cannot be PROVEN that God exists, therefore I cannot suspend my rational thought enough to believe in him. Believing that something with no evidence of existence does not exist is not faith.

And by that rationale, I can say that the burden of proof is on evolutionists to prove what reactants caused the Big Bang, since there are plenty of theories but no evidence of pre-existent materials. I see that as requiring just as much faith as belief in a higher power.
was thinking.

1. I have long hair

2. I'm 19 not bad looking and do not have a girlfriend.

3. I have had people wonder why I don't have a girlfriend

4. My parents have been worried why I don't have a girlfriend.

5. Maybe i am gay not fully realizing it yet.

People ten times more ugly than me get laid and have relations, actually fat people get laid. I'm probably gay.
I was barely home for the last 8 weeks and was not even home majority of saturday.

I did not get laid or was approached by a female. Anytimes i'm out of the house.

I must be deformed or something and not seeing my true face or gay.
And it might help if you don't belittle their tastes in music (I know its hard, cuz most girls really do listen to shit). And don't introduce yourself with "Hi, I like black metal", cuz not all girls do. But like I said before, the next time I meet a babe who listens to BM, I'm just gonna do her on the spot. Simple as that. So find yourself a BM slut, lol.
WTF. Just because you leave the house and act social women don't automatically flock to you, like it's their purpose to get you laid or something. Good god man.

You're obviously trying much too hard. And you'll never find it if you're searching like a maniac.
What is this? International prop-up The Greys week or something? Fucking hell Greys, if you're as mopey and self-absorbed in real life as you are on these boards, THERE'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM RIGHT THERE.
The Greys said:
I was barely home for the last 8 weeks and was not even home majority of saturday.

I did not get laid or was approached by a female. Anytimes i'm out of the house.

I must be deformed or something and not seeing my true face or gay.

Hey man i have trouble getting with girls to. Its kinda like form in a sport, you go through your bad patches, then, for some reason, you go through a good patch and then yer like hell yeh :kickass: :Smokin:
Greys, you could always just pretend to care about some hippie rocker chick so she'd give you some free love. I've never done it, cuz I'd have to shoot myself listening to some dirty hippie rant on and on about the earth. But maybe you're stronger and can endure more than I can.
Susperia said:
Oh shit. He said what we all wanted to say.



I'm not getting somewhat personal anymore here because i'm going to get owned(you know a lot about that). Who wants to here about things like this. I would not if I another poster.
I hate terrorists.

I have been watching the news every morning lately because I thought it would be nice to try be update with the world and develope my own opinions on things. All the news talks about is terrorists marketing, and celebrities. Is this all that this world is now.

I'm so sick of Iraq I can't even put it into words. I guess life is war and then you die.
Susperia said:
My ex best friend had her baby shower 2 days ago. :(


It's pretty sad when young people have kids. People want to be old so fast.

I hate john basedow.
The Greys said:
I was barely home for the last 8 weeks and was not even home majority of saturday.

I did not get laid or was approached by a female. Anytimes i'm out of the house.

I must be deformed or something and not seeing my true face or gay.
It seems the problem is lack of self-confidence. You need charisma, self-conficdence and the ability to be social... being tall, good looking and muscular helps also. Seeing as I have virtually none of these qualities it explains my amazing success rate with women.
Oh and don't buy into that BS that women like sensitive, artisitic nice guys. It's baloney. They say they do but they don't.
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