the hate thread

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Susperia said:
It was an accident because they're morons.

If young couples don't want kids than it's accident, usually it is probably an accident. If I accidentally had to take care of a kid being 19 years old i'd die. I would have to go buy a 22 and learn how to use a gun to end my own life. sadly

Someone who makes 8 dollars an hour will not be able to support a kid.
^Or you can take all your anger out on your best friend and decide to hate her and shut her out of your life. While everyone else pities you because you lie and tell them all the condom broke.


To ender: I miss the sweet sensitive man my boyfriend used to be. I don't like to be with tough guys.
OK, you are an exception to the rule then and good for you.
Susperia said:
I miss the sweet sensitive man my boyfriend used to be. I don't like to be with tough guys.

no straight man enjoys being sweet or sesitive. we just do it, and some of us are better at the act than others, but it's all one big fornication ploy. so if your sweetie stops being sweet, it's because he knows that you'll stick around no matter what he does, so this is the real him.


you should get with a tough guy. they're honest.
cookiecutter said:
The problem really is that the "nice guys" often lack self confidence and other things that women desire, not the fact that they are nice.
Yes. Not always, but often. I have been through it too.
One of the things that drew me to him in the first place was his modesty. But for the past 3 years there's less and less and more and more cockiness.
Teh Grimarse said:
no straight man enjoys being sweet or sesitive. we just do it, and some of us are better at the act than others, but it's all one big fornication ploy. so if your sweetie stops being sweet, it's because he knows that you'll stick around no matter what he does, so this is the real him.


you should get with a tough guy. they're honest.
Not all good duys are that way, but let me just say from experience it SUCKS being a good guy.
I like when they have a combination of both. When I saw him for the first time he was so quite and shy and dark and mysterious and modest but I could tell there was this firey, dominant masculinity to him that I wanted to experience. However, maybe I just created a monster.

edit: ^ I despise cockiness.
Speaking your mind and just not givin a shit about what others think tends to get me chicks.

Like when I laughed at a fat girl at the mall. She heard me and was like "Fuck you" And I laughed again and gave her my sandwhich I was eating. I did this because it's her fault she's fat. Nowif it was a midget I wouldn't have laughed because they had no control. Chicks dig this in me sometimes others get disgusted.
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