the hate thread

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I hate all those dipshits who at school make your life a fucking living hell. You go to school just to get trashed by people for acting "emo". Just cause a guy doesn't act like a fricken arragont ass and likes the color black doesn't make him a freak... fuck you all...

I also hate parents... god... they piss me off... I go home only to feel like shit. Sometimes I like going to school more then comming home. Like wtf? Isn't home supposed to be a relatively good place to cool off? Instead I get screaming, yelling, parents telling me I'm a fuck up, and a brother who fucking hates me.

I hate friends who realy aren't friends. Like when I'm realy going through a hard fucking time, and I realy need to talk, my best friends fucking blow me off and call me an emo poser. WTF! Sometimes I just need to fucking talk.

I also hate children... they smell... they're ugly... and in general there more trouble then there worth. STOP HAVING FUCKING KIDS GUYS! It's just contributing to the overpopulation of the world.

Jeez... I hate hating things. It consumes my life so much that I loose focus on the positive...
Hating children usually means you had a bad childhood. By the sound of it, you did.
Umm... I guess you could say that. I had the shit kicked out of me every day, I had only one friend who was forced to ignore me or get the shit kicked out of me (untill grade 6 in which I was forced to go to a new school, in which case I made a few friends). Now that I'm in high school again (going into grade 10) I'm back with all of the same kids and they make my life a living hell.

To top this all off I have my father who things no matter what I do I'm a fuck up, a mother who's given up, and friends who have all predicted that in 10 years they're going to see me on the streets as a heroin addict... I have no luck what-so-ever in getting any sort of relationship, and I'm supposedly "clinicaly depressed"... so realy, things are just joyus.

But realy, things are alot worse for other people, so I might as well consider myself lucky to even be alive and consuming food on a regular basis.
Thasis said:
Umm... I guess you could say that. I had the shit kicked out of me every day, I had only one friend who was forced to ignore me or get the shit kicked out of me (untill grade 6 in which I was forced to go to a new school, in which case I made a few friends). Now that I'm in high school again (going into grade 10) I'm back with all of the same kids and they make my life a living hell.

To top this all off I have my father who things no matter what I do I'm a fuck up, a mother who's given up, and friends who have all predicted that in 10 years they're going to see me on the streets as a heroin addict... I have no luck what-so-ever in getting any sort of relationship, and I'm supposedly "clinicaly depressed"... so realy, things are just joyus.

But realy, things are alot worse for other people, so I might as well consider myself lucky to even be alive and consuming food on a regular basis.

no, thats fucking emo. quit fucking whining!
Thasis, kick your dad in the balls, call the police, and tell them you were beaten.
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