the hate thread

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And more sports should be like NHL Hockey? You mean, more sports should have a playoff system where more than half of the league makes it to the postseason? Or do you prefer the part about how there aren't enough good players for people to care about the sport? Or do you mean that more sports should be as simplistic as hockey?

No, i fucking SAID how sports should be more like hockey, fucking READ. And yes I have been a baseball fan all my life, still am, doesn't mean it's not boring. I'm sorry, every team except one or two is absolutely predictable when it comes to the playoffs. Don't pretend you're cool because you love baseball, it's boring, thats all. No opinion or argument you're gona make is going to persuade me or more than half of the world otherwise. If you wana continue this, go to the dominican republic, they may share your beliefs, but i sure as hell dont.
But when you're 13, you're in school, and school and homework is a pain in the ass. It's really a catch 22. I wish I still 24.

You're right. I don't want to be 13 now. I was just thinking about this more and since I am going to be 20 and almost 21. I can't wait till 21 because I can hit on drunk sluts and try and get them to do me!. Thinking about getting this privilege makes me alive!
the best song for working out is nile - lashed to the slave stick

that beginning riff is just unreal, that's the song I always play when I am going for a 300 or 310 benchpress

I bench that with my cock... I'd give you the link to it on video but the government banned it. My cock is on steroids.

I like listening to A Perfect Murder when I lift. My cock likes Celine Dion tho.
Just have two pictures.


1. a fat chick masterbating
2. a hot slut
3. look at which one so you can go up and down when needed.

... you could do cock push ups!
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