the hate thread

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The Greys said:
I hate when you click and entire album to download on Soulseek and that person is somehow off the internet 2 seconds later, then you have to delete the entire thing because these assholes can't just leave the program on during the day.

I do it. It's fun.
witchcraftspawnedgorgon said:
every one here should watch Alex Jones' Loose change and start questioning shit.

I hate people who blindly believe other people's ideas of how we're being fucked by the government, just as blindly as the rest of the population blindly believe the government's lies. There's a certain amount of irony to it, but it's not the funny kind, it's the sad, depressing "I can't wait 'till armageddon" type.

Fuck Alex Jones, fuck Sacred Cow and fuck the silly cunts who pay so much money to hear lies about lies.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Yeah, it is gay to bitch about he evils of capitalism when you weigh 400 pounds and have millions in the bank.

yeh right on brother :kickass:
Danallica said:
who you callin emo :erk:
Hey I hate dogs. I mean... Really... I've been bitten more than once and now I promised that I'll kill any dog that will try to do that again. It's ok since that, they just feel when you're scared or you feel like killing them...
My boyfriend was bit by a crazy dog when he was about 4 years old. The dog bit his lower lip practically off. It was hanging by one piece. They had to sew and stitch it back on.

Luckily you'd never now know, other than for two reasonably faint scars on the sides of his lower lip. My poor baby.
I hate all those assholes who think they are cool
I hate idiots
I hate boysbands and girlsbands
I hate ignorants
I hate singer Prince cos' music he makes sucks
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