The Hate Thread

i hate to have a test that i only learned about it today, i didn't even study, but i only need 5 points anyway
if anything Ulver and Agalloch are the opposite of intellectual, they are more motivated music and lyrics wise to feelings/emotional side

Perhaps you missed what I said as a whole. Or perhaps you're just looking for an argument.
The "sig" does its job everywhere...Got to love it, oh damn...its the hate thread.
"I'm going to pretend my sig was meant to invoke something even though it just displays me as a pseudo intellectual wanker."
I hate... distance. Like the greater the distance from your room the the bathroom/other places in the house, the higher your chances of stubbing your toes against something in the night...which is one of the most horrible things to happen to any living human being, akin to cancer and racists.
Bigger chance to hurt youself in drunkeness too...Im with you on that one.
Perhaps you missed what I said as a whole. Or perhaps you're just looking for an argument.

i understand that you said intelligence in the broad sense of the word, but i just don't see it fitting there.

I would call Dream Theater intelligent, for the elaborated structure and whatnot. And i would listen to DT if they weren't incredible boring