The Hate Thread

What about abs?

I don't mind a bit of cut, at least the line along the sides of the ab wall.


the abs freak me out on a female
don't like sphere-shaped women, but i like just a little softness in the tummy
i like curling up and using a chicks stomach as a pillow
Sportswomen and particularly female bodybuilders are usually only cut up during competition, they put a little bit of fat back on during the off season and their bodies can look quite hot.



i totally hate the people who post a pic of 6-pack-abs on a female and call that "sexy"
i hate the "Straight" males that are sexually atracted to females with buns-of-steel (thank God that the Olympics are over and i no longer have to listen to males trying to tell me that the female Olympic athletes are "sexy-as-hell")

especially hate the apparently-semi-blind the males who seriously claim that they can't quite see the difference between
and this

with the first link being jiggling-like-jello buttcheeks that i want to bang
and the second link being girls i find disqusting

this^^ again
I still don't know why he posts google search results. I have no intention of doing extra work to find out what he is getting at. Then again I guess it does save us all the anguish of seeing the actual pics he wants to show us. So.. Carry on
I like it when they put all that eyeshadow on and pretend their life is a mess while wearing a black dress.

Most emos are not that bad, it's the posers are the one that's annoying. In fact there is something else worse than emo and it's called "Scene"

i also like
cybergoth girls
I have a little spider some months ago, she is free and make her house next to the door of my room, but she have a name so it´s mine. The thing is sometimes I take a fly and put it to her house, then she run and eat the fly, but today she don't want to eat and I hate that because maybe she is sick :(

we can no longer be friends

:lol: Wow you're one of the rare people (especially girls) that doesnt freak put over spiders. They do not bother me at all. My rule is simple, if I see a spider it may live as long as it doesnt make itself known all the time by crawling on my desk. Also spiders hanging out above me in the shower are doomed. They keep other insects away and they almost never get in the way, they like to keep clear of people unlike other stupid insects that land on you and crawl on ypur tv screen and legs
:lol: Wow you're one of the rare people (especially girls) that doesnt freak put over spiders. They do not bother me at all. My rule is simple, if I see a spider it may live as long as it doesnt make itself known all the time by crawling on my desk. Also spiders hanging out above me in the shower are doomed. They keep other insects away and they almost never get in the way, they like to keep clear of people unlike other stupid insects that land on you and crawl on ypur tv screen and legs

say that again, motherfucker

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