The inevitable has happened.. Good Bye Lopez

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Well it's not the end of the world, Opeth are still a great live band, but Mikael has not really to make 10 jokes between every song. It really destroys the atmosphere sometimes. Jokes are ok, but Mikael has some really really bad jokes, hehehehehe. At least who cares when the music is good. But it's a topic about Mr.Lopez here. ;)
staying in opeth is a bad choice if thats not where he wants to be. opeth will continue on. i was pretty crushed to hear that he left...but, now i'm pumped to hear what he will do. and, this is just another step forward in the progression of opeth. everyone can speculate all they want...about why he "really" left...or that this is opeth's doom... but there is no good or bad, or right or wrong in any of this.
somethn ddnt fit rite with axe
i saw him at the auckland show
he ddnt have the power that lopez had
i cannot agree.

i don't claim that Lopez is ugly, he is goodlooking inded, but considering the discussions of the chicks next to me in concert as it was a backstreet boys gig -OMG OMG i want him he's daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn handsome- i'd say he's better looking than most of the people.
I heard about this a few days ago, and I was a little sad..but I know Opeth will continue to create great music..I'm not worried about that :)

Rock on, and best of luck to Mr Lopez and his project!
Hi guys!

I understand you're quite upset with this news and so am I! I've been playing with Lopez for almost 10 years!
But you have to understand that we wouldn't bring in just any kind of drummer for this band. I have been playing with Anders, Lopez, Hoglan and now Axe. Come on, my references are pretty OK, right? Have you played with these guys? Is that why you have such a valid opinion on how they are? I know, all of them are different, all of them have strong sides and weak sides.


Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...

Cheers guys

I mean the fact that Lopez left was like... You know... A punch in the face... :)
However it's always so soothing reading your words Mike! :notworthy

Thanks for saying "just wait and see" - I'll gladly wait and see :)

But one thing though... on the D&D Documentary Martin Lopez says that he
does like 90 % of the drumming parts... He refines them maybe?
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