The inevitable has happened.. Good Bye Lopez

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The Hubster said:
Axe has a different style, but hes far from average. Besides - since when (even if he was) a simple DM drummer "shit"? We all know metal drummers shit on everyone else anyway (except Neil Peart & Nick McBrain).

You gotta be fuckin kidding me. Metal drummers do NOT shit on everybody else. In fact alot of them suck. They are one dimensional speed beasts, that is all.

Jazz drummers OWN big time they have all around chops AND groove something that metal drummers do not have.

And if you are saying Neil Peart sucks, well you don't know jackshit and you're just another ignorant hArdCoReE mEtAlLhEaD who doesnt know shit about drumming.
affinityband said:
1. I like Jordisons drumming
2. They were saying that they thought Niel Peart is awesome
3. No drummer starts out as a jazz drummer, so theres no telling if a metal drummer could or could not be a jazz drummer.

1.Jordison sucks balls.
2. Oh i get it now lol
3. I didn't say starts out or whatever, but I'm saying most professional metal drummers are one dimensional speed beasts. They have very bad technique (like Yngwies drummer Patrick Johanason...hes good and a nice guy but he broke like 5 pairs of sticks in that one show) and lack of groove.

Drumming = groove or else you might as well just buy a machine
Black Paragon said:
And if you are saying Neil Peart sucks, well you don't know jackshit and you're just another ignorant hArdCoReE mEtAlLhEaD who doesnt know shit about drumming.
no he is saying that metal drummers are not better than neil peart.
AshDLS said:
Jesus fucking Christ on a stick, this thread should be sponsored by Kleenex tissues or some shit; there's that many whingers in here. It's really quite simple... if Mr Åkerfeldt and the rest of the band didn't feel that Mr Axenrot wasn't up to the task of matching (or possibly even bettering) the abilities of Mr Lopez in regards to whatever direction they wish to take, then I imagine they wouldn't have chosen him, hmm?

And blast beats rule. Every song should have them. Death metal, hip hop, gospel, whatever. Mandatory.

Thank you for an excellent post. Right fucking on!

For anyone who has issues with blastbeats, get some 1349 up ya and get someone to clean your mess up afterwards.
Shame about Lopez, but Axe impressed me when I saw them live. Lopez, you'll be missed :kickass: .... but not for long if the next album owns :erk:
I like Lopez most of the time. Great job on Ghost Reveries and Blackwater Park. For the most part, the guy is average. I mean, when he has time to perfect everything in the studio he's good, but honestly, I just got a demo from a friend of mine's band they just finished up recording at a professional studio. I personally know the drummer, and know he is terribly sloppy live, but on the demo, the drums sound great.

ML sucked on Damnation (listen to the fill at 2:57 on "In my time of need", it gives me flashbacks of my little brother banging on my drums). He is BY NO MEANS any kind of jazz/latin/anything besides metal drummer. Watch someone like Dave Weckle and tell me Martin Lopez is "jazzy". Axe impressed me a lot live. I think he's a great fit.
Bierce85 said:
I like Lopez most of the time. Great job on Ghost Reveries and Blackwater Park. For the most part, the guy is average. I mean, when he has time to perfect everything in the studio he's good, but honestly, I just got a demo from a friend of mine's band they just finished up recording at a professional studio. I personally know the drummer, and know he is terribly sloppy live, but on the demo, the drums sound great.

ML sucked on Damnation (listen to the fill at 2:57 on "In my time of need", it gives me flashbacks of my little brother banging on my drums). He is BY NO MEANS any kind of jazz/latin/anything besides metal drummer. Watch someone like Dave Weckle and tell me Martin Lopez is "jazzy". Axe impressed me a lot live. I think he's a great fit.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
In my opinion Axe was pretty bad live, hehe. There is only one that could save Opeth and this is Anders Nordin, but I guess Mikael has become too kewl for asking him. He even makes not funny stupid jokes on stage all the time. Really noone laughed about it. He really changed in the last 6 years. Opeth live has become more of a comedy show from Mikaels site (sorry dude, but many years ago there was magic on stage). Well, I don't wonder Martin is gone. (note: I don't think it's the reason he left, it was obiously because his own project and the longer abscence from Opeth)
Goodbye Martin, you've done a great job in my opinion.
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