The Kvltest Ov The Kvlt Black Metal

Some more...

Krieg - Patrick Bateman
Aborym - Fire walk with Us
Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Pest - Daudafard
Krohm - A world through Dead Eyes
Beherit - The Oath of the Black Blood
Black God/Krigar Split - Praying for the Death of Mankind
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Averse Sefira
Sort Vokter
Nox Intempesta

Those are the best of the bands that aren't known by everybody and their cousin's donkey (from strongest to weakest).
Some people recommended some more well known band. I'll recommend really obscure stuff, though some of it may have been mentioned already.

Mjölnir (Ger) - Hinweg über die Tore der Zeit
Haemoth - Vice, Suffering and Destruction
Hegemon - By This I Conquer
Inchiuvatu - Piccatu
Camulos - Spiel Des Blutes
Art Inferno - Abyssus Abyssum Invocat
Hyadningar - Hymns of a Forgotten Past
Naer Mataron - Skotos Aenaeon
Old Wainds - Religion of Spiritual Violence
Thunderbolt - Inhuman Ritual Massmurder

That should be enough for now. Maybe I'll add more later.
Cynical said:
Averse Sefira
Sort Vokter
Nox Intempesta

Those are the best of the bands that aren't known by everybody and their cousin's donkey (from strongest to weakest).

Swap Demoncy and Averse Sefira around.
Beherit's "Drawing Down The Moon" is vastly overrated, in my opinion. The only decent tracks are "Down There.." and "Salomon's Gate". What's so good about the rest of the album is beyond me.

Sort Vokter's "Folkloric Necro Metal" is pretty damn overrated too. Granted, there are some interesting ideas to be found here and there, but it's not THE masterpiece that everyone claims it is.

As for the "cult" recommendations (yes, some of these are pretty famous, but still mandatory releases):

Behexen - By The Blessing Of Satan
Darkthrone - Total Death (I've been listening to this a lot lately, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this isn't praised a lot by BM fans), as well as the band's three releases after "Soulside Journey" (which is good, but DM)
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Dødheimsgard - Monumental Possession
Fimbulwinter - Servants Of Sorcery
Forlorn - The Crystal Palace (viking/black)
Gehenna - Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness (The Second Spell)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Graveland - The Celtic Winter
Helheim - Jormundgand
Kampfar - Mellom Skogkledde Åser (black/folk)
Keep Of Kalessin - Reclaim
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk Inkvisition
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Limbonic Art - Moon In The Scorpio
Ragnarok - Nattferd
Twin Obscenity - For Blood, Honour And Soil
Vesania - Firefrost Arcanum
"Drawing Down the Moon" is one hell of an evil mindfuck, but it took me longer to appreciate than with most classic albums. Sadomatic Rites owns you in every possibly way though, Henrik. ;)

"Folkloric Necro Metal" is ultra-organic, listen with headphones.
:p Sure, 'tis evil, but it sounds awkward, weird and even off-beat at times. "Salomon's Gate" does rule, though. "Sadomatic Rites" does not tickle my fancy in any way.

And Ildjarn > Sort Vokter, I'm afraid. I'll have to listen to it with headphones, but I doubt it'll change my opinion.
Henrik Main said:
And Ildjarn > Sort Vokter, I'm afraid. I'll have to listen to it with headphones, but I doubt it'll change my opinion.
Ildjarn-Niddhog > Ildjarn > Sort Vokter, but everyone knows about Ildjarn and Ildjarn-Niddhog.

As for the person who was asking about Nox Intempesta- Similar riffing style to "Pure Holocaust" era Immortal, but with a greater emphasis on layering and background textures a la "In the Nightside Eclipse". Very reccomended.

Oh, and Mjolnir blows. Sorry, it's true.
Guardian of Darkness said:
"Drawing Down the Moon" is one hell of an evil mindfuck, but it took me longer to appreciate than with most classic albums.

The Oath of Black Blood is better. Raw destruction, with absolutely filthy production.