The love/hate thread.

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Some on there actually have really interesting opinions; there are a few however that just piss me off to no end.
I just can't stand the people who think that they are true Norse warriors. You know, when they're from Alabama or Birmingham or something. Doooood you aren't Norse.
I hate it when people demand that a band doesn't something original in order to consider them good. I mention this because I was making a post about Marblebog on another site and this guy jumps on them for being "OMG GENERIC AND UNORIGINAL" ... I really don't get the need for uniqueness - as far as I'm concerned good fucking execution and song writing take far more precedent over originality.

Funny how much I've changed since I first started posting here :p Originality used to be one of the things I most required in a band.
I agree. For example, there is definitely bands out there who can execute top quality black metal without being completely original...or take a band like The County Medical Examines (Carcass worship band) who are excellent at what they do.
I love that I got the new Vital Remains CD Icons of Evil, I've only went through it once and it's hard to rate it because of the length and variety on a one listen basis but it sounds good.
It came in a slipcase with Jesus's crucified head on the front, like that made matters any better than the original cover. :lol: But the real CD case has the real artwork inside the slipcase, for some reason when Im opened mine my case was cracked on the front and became easily unhinged between the 2 parts that connect the CD case, weird. At least the CD works though. :)
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