The love/hate thread.

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^Sounds cool, got that Suffocation tab ready? Anyways, we can discuss this on AIM right now if you want, I'm on. :)
I haven't seen yuo on in a couple weeks actually.
London, Paris, Normandy and Bruge(sp?). My dad has to go to Paris for business, so I am tagging along as well as heading a few other places with him.

Take me with you. I'm a good conversationalist and I don't eat much... Ok that last bit was a lie, I eat a fuck of a lot but I has pretty low food standards so I'll eat cheap stuff.
London, Paris, Normandy and Bruge(sp?). My dad has to go to Paris for business, so I am tagging along as well as heading a few other places with him.


That sounds like an awesome trip. I'll be flying to Europe in two weeks and Brugge is one of the many cities I'll be through on my route through Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, France and Belgium.
I hate that myspace won't let me log in for the whole day! It says that my password is incorrect and my email doesnt exist...
Fucking hackers!
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