The love/hate thread.

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I hate that I am probably never going to step foot in a theme part again. A girls feet were cut off at Six Flags recently and after seeing it on the news had minor pains in my feet. FUCK
I hate that my laptop keeps automatically shutting down and it scares me making me think my computer crashed. I think it's overheating, the battery and laptoip are hot when it does it, did it today and a couple nights ago, what could be the problem?
Care to elaborate?

I explained in another thread I believe. basically I was forced to listen to KISS FM and Hot 101, bottom of the barrel lightweight top 40 garbage.

edit: well I can't find the thread, but basically I work in the MR/DD program and worked at this place called Paragon.

good things about that place:

I worked with all guys (could make any joke I wanted without fear of harassment charges).

bad things:

all guys (no chicks to hook up with)
no one but me was literate
mind-numbing conversation with fellow workers (all were mentally disabled)
and lastly, I was forced to listen to Hot 101 (Top 40 station). Of all the people who worked there, I was the only one who complained about this.
here's the original post:

thats the way it was at my old job. most people working through MR/DD have no idea of music that is played outside of the radio. its depressing. I couldn't use my Ipod during work hours so I was subjected to listening to that goddawful KISS FM/HOT 101 garbage.
I hate not knowing if Soundgarden badmotorfinger or superunknown is better. I am starting to think superunknown is better.
The oldies are great. Jefferson Airplane comes on a lot which is good.

The oldies and real rock radio are the only fm stations I listen to,. XM has some good metal stuff. And then of course the am sports talk.
I dont think they were cut off. just so damaged that they had to cut them off.

the cable cutting stuff was busted on mythbusters. :lol:

Anything or anywhere that can damage your feet to the point of them being removed is not somewhere I am going. I do not care if they were actually removed by the ride or had to be removed.
I like XM Liquid Metal, it's the only XM station I listen to on my TV, it has some good stuff but then again it'll have some hardcore bullshit on it I don't care for and I'll turn the channel, but I'm happy the last 3 songs played have been good stuff. Bolt Thrower, Sepultura, and Dimmu Borgir. I love the Mercury Show that comes on at 5 that plays death, grind, and black. :)
I love people who try and go to college and have a succesful career and end up working at the same place as you because they fall and are not as smart as they thought in the world spectrum, and you did not even try and make the same wages. It's funny when you meet up with people years later and they are still here because they thought they were going to leave. A lot of people never leave.
I love people who try and go to college and have a succesful career and end up working at the same place as you because they fall and are not as smart as they thought in the world spectrum, and you did not even try and make the same wages. It's funny when you meet up with people years later and they are still here because they thought they were going to leave. A lot of people never leave.

Why's it so hard to leave? When you're young and free of responsibilities is the best time to pack your bags and get out of whatever shithole you're in. Not having many possessions or a high paying job to enslave you is also very freeing.

FUCKING CUNT! #$$TGTHYU%OT )OIT (U%OJ OTGRJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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