the love thread

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Heh could you guys state the obvious a little more? Point is, the colts don't suck. I'm a firm believer that anyone at any time could win a game no matter who it is, I just happened to be a colts fan. Saying they "suck" is making yourself look like an ignorant nub because in reality they do not "suck." No team in the NFL is perfect. It all comes down to the playoffs and who plays better.

Okay then. They don't "suck", but if you have watched their last few games, and any play off game, you'll know what I mean.

You need D, which the Colts don't have. Plus their O folds in high pressure situations like the playoffs.
Okay then. They don't "suck", but if you have watched their last few games, and any play off game, you'll know what I mean.

You need D, which the Colts don't have. Plus their O folds in high pressure situations like the playoffs.

Dude, I'm a fucking COLTS FAN. Which means I WATCH EVERY GAME. I know how they play, what they don't have, what they need to improve on etc etc etc. They don't get knocked out of every first round in the playoffs you nub. Go look up the playoff history and learn something. Stop stating the fucking obvious. Everyone knows their RUN defense is a bit weak. There is certainly nothing wrong with their pass defense what so ever. So stating that they have NO defense at all, is yet another ignorant statement.

Their offense doesn't fold in high pressure situations. My god do you know anything about football? It's called a 3-4 defense. Which could destroy any team. Look at what the Ravens did to the Steelers this year when they played. Fucking destroyed them. Same thing the Cowboys did to us. It's a very strong defense, but it makes you highly vulnerable to the run. So there is a huge risk in it. To be perfectly honest, Indy could have beaten Dallas had they not been so god damn pass reliant for no reason. Addai, in my mind, is the best rookie running back in the game right now. He's better than most vets. They proved they could run the ball all over you (see phily game) which is what they need to start doing more often. Hopefully Dungy and Moore will start basing the offense more around the ran and ease the pressure off of Manning. But I guess you wouldn't understand that. Saying one of the best offenses in the history of the NFL folds under pressure.
Dude, I'm a fucking COLTS FAN. Which means I WATCH EVERY GAME. I know how they play, what they don't have, what they need to improve on etc etc etc. They don't get knocked out of every first round in the playoffs you nub. Go look up the playoff history and learn something. Stop stating the fucking obvious. Everyone knows their RUN defense is a bit weak. There is certainly nothing wrong with their pass defense what so ever. So stating that they have NO defense at all, is yet another ignorant statement.

Their offense doesn't fold in high pressure situations. My god do you know anything about football? It's called a 3-4 defense. Which could destroy any team. Look at what the Ravens did to the Steelers this year when they played. Fucking destroyed them. Same thing the Cowboys did to us. It's a very strong defense, but it makes you highly vulnerable to the run. So there is a huge risk in it. To be perfectly honest, Indy could have beaten Dallas had they not been so god damn pass reliant for no reason. Addai, in my mind, is the best rookie running back in the game right now. He's better than most vets. They proved they could run the ball all over you (see phily game) which is what they need to start doing more often. Hopefully Dungy and Moore will start basing the offense more around the ran and ease the pressure off of Manning. But I guess you wouldn't understand that. Saying one of the best offenses in the history of the NFL folds under pressure.

When I say that they don't have a defense I mean that they are lacking in the talent neccessary to stop the run. They're pass D isn't great either. They rank in the middle of the pack right now. Manning has not won a superbowl yet even with the extreme amount of talent that he had surrounding him, and that says something to me, and he has not played well in the playoffs. I guess he was affected by some supernatural force beyond his control, right?

But who cares anyway
only gay men don't like sports

Sports has no redeeming values other than entertainment purposes, and is void of valor, courage, risk, intellegent thought, and praises physical self improvement and showmanship. Saying that, I enjoy playing sports, but I don't see how watching sports is indicative of any masculinity, but pretty much is a waste of time.

Sports has no redeeming values other than entertainment purposes, and is void of valor, courage, risk, intellegent thought, and praises physical self improvement and showmanship. Saying that, I enjoy playing sports, but I don't see how watching sports is indicative of any masculinity, but pretty much is a waste of time.

Wait what? :erk:
And they almost beat the Pats.

They almost beat the Seahawks too, but I really think that they just don't believe they have the ability to win. They really fucking do, they have the goddamned talent to do so but they just don't work together well enough, and they lose all desire to play when they could win. They will be losing badly, get right on afuckinghead then just ... give up with a few minutes left in the 4th quarter.

Sports has no redeeming values other than entertainment purposes, and is void of valor, courage, risk, intellegent thought, and praises physical self improvement and showmanship. Saying that, I enjoy playing sports, but I don't see how watching sports is indicative of any masculinity, but pretty much is a waste of time.

First good post i've seen from you. When you take a step back, professional sports are just stupid. It turns something that's meant to be competitive fun into an obsessive contest which is actually meaningless. It's funny to see all these men devote their lives to something so dumb. And none of them end up happy either.
from one angle, sports mean nothing, and it's just guys and a ball. but nothing really means anything more than what we've decided it means.

look at it from the perspective of the team loyalist. there are some people who just watch the game and follow certain players and are in it for pure entertainment value, but some people (like me) place all their confidence and faith on one team (my Spurs) because they truly believe this team to be the best. it's not just randomly picking a favorite team or player and cheering when they win. it's about supporting a philosophy.

what many people miss out on in their view of sports is that it's really not just guys and a ball. it's coaches, trainers, scouts and recruiters, general managers and other front-office decision makers that have agreed on a complex system of play and a specifically chosen roster of players that they think will be the most effective when stacked up against other teams and their systems.

my faith in the Spurs isn't (only, mainly) based on the talent that they have on the floor. it's based on Coach Popovich's philosophical standards of excellence and team-oriented play, and his theory that, in the Spurs' system, any gear in the machine (not named Tim Duncan) could technically be removed and replaced without the overall performance suffering much.

i believe the Spurs will win because their game is superior. when they win, i am able to justify to myself all the time, money, and emotional investment i've placed in this particular philosophy of play and the group of men who follow it.


there's also the aspect of my desire to witness "greatness", or at least extreme excellence, under pressure-filled circumstances. at first look, there appears to be nothing at all grand about throwing a leather (composite microfiber :rolleyes:) ball through a metal hoop. but when the stars align and your entire career and the careers of others and the faith of everyone in the arena, of an entire city, of all the fans around the world and everyone involved in supporting this team so that they could arrive at this exact moment... when, ultimately, the happiness of so many people is hanging on the ability of one mortal man and his ability to put this leather ball through this metal hoop at this exact moment, without fail, then watching that mortal man step onto the floor and push his body and mind to their furthest capabilites in order to perform this absolutely monumental task...

...and then he fucking shoots a fadeaway 3 pointer in a motherfuckers face and SWISH!! PWNED!!!...

...that, to me, is an achievement of greatness more spectacular than any a man could hope to achieve in politics or science or engineering.


go spurs go.
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this isn't the kind of thing that most people are going to take seriously.

which is the sad part. ignorance will do anything to protect and preserve itself. like a street dog. i find the only way to combat extreme ignorance is to pour on the wisdom in such copious amounts and with no filter of modesty so as to possibly crack the outer walls. there can't be much subtle coercion. you can't spend all day trying to get the stray to let you pet it. if you care enough to save the thing, you have to grab it, biting and kicking and all, throw it in your car, take it home and give it a fucking bath.

Some people have standards based on genre, theory, musicianship, and also just personal taste gained through experience.

standards = active ignorance.

if you won't listen to a band because you've placed them under some theoretical umbrella of non existant quantification called "genre", that is ignorance.

if you can't understand how somebody can compose art worth experiencing without subjecting themselves to those academic shackles of free creativity collectively known as "theory", that is ignorance.

when "personal taste" means "things i've found to be of most exceptional integrity and execution", that's great. when it means "things i deny and ignore because i have arbitrarily (since all 'choice' is ultimately just manifestation of a game of chance built on the parameters of whatever wrinkles happened to have randomly formed on your brain-organ) chosen to deny and ignore them", that's bullshit.

Some great posting dude.

"from one angle, sports mean nothing, and it's just guys and a ball. but nothing really means anything more than what we've decided it means"

I'm not a big sports fanatic, but when someone says that sport means nothing they are being prejudice wankers. What else in this world can bring a nation together, such as how Australia was united in a celebration of our contry when the socceroos were doing well in the world cup.
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