the love thread

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When I say that they don't have a defense I mean that they are lacking in the talent neccessary to stop the run. They're pass D isn't great either. They rank in the middle of the pack right now. Manning has not won a superbowl yet even with the extreme amount of talent that he had surrounding him, and that says something to me, and he has not played well in the playoffs. I guess he was affected by some supernatural force beyond his control, right?

But who cares anyway

It seems to me their pass defense has lead them to a 10-3 record so far this season, which is the second best record IN THE LEAGUE. You don't win NFL games buy pulling shit out of your ass. Look back at the Colts and Patriots game earlier this year. Our defense rocked NE. 4 interceptions, excellent run defense blah blah blah. Indy's defense can and will get it done when it comes down to it. This year is much different from last year when they boasted the best season in Colts history. They can, have, and will get it done in the playoffs, I have no doubt about it.

Superbowl wins, no matter how glorious they are, doesn't make you a great player. Roethlisberger won one, and he sucked major dick this year. Not winning one isn't going to mean you will be remembered as a hack, or a choke artist. Look at Dan Marino. Arguably the best QB to ever play the game, second maybe to Joe Montana. He's never won a superbowl. Held more QB records than anyone in history. Until Peyton Manning showed up. Not everything in life comes easy, and it's only tougher in the NFL. He'll win one, and honestly I hope they become the first team in history to win 4 in a row.

All in all, your opinions are highly biased and lack factual evidence of your rants. I don't mind people hating on Indy, I merely laugh at the thought. But running your mouth about a team that has proved they are excellent and to say they suck is an insult to yourself. Besides, to me it seems like you are just a bandwagon jumper anyways. Yay lets root for the Saints and Chargers because they are a on rolls!
i love my washington redskins & capitals, even though they suck.

and i love the 6 cherry wheat sammy adams i just guzzled.
& a charlie brown christmas.
& my family.
& the bathory cranking from my speakers.
that's all i can think of right now.
sports are no different than music - if one is meaningless, so is the other

seriously, what the hell do you get out of listening to a burzum album?? entertainment.... that's it

sports are made to get away from boring everyday life (same thing with metal)


edit : Teh Grimace = excellent post (and excellent poster in general), I would rep you but I did so yesterday
from one angle, sports mean nothing, and it's just guys and a ball. but nothing really means anything more than what we've decided it means.

look at it from the perspective of the team loyalist. there are some people who just watch the game and follow certain players and are in it for pure entertainment value, but some people (like me) place all their confidence and faith on one team (my Spurs) because they truly believe this team to be the best. it's not just randomly picking a favorite team or player and cheering when they win. it's about supporting a philosophy.

what many people miss out on in their view of sports is that it's really not just guys and a ball. it's coaches, trainers, scouts and recruiters, general managers and other front-office decision makers that have agreed on a complex system of play and a specifically chosen roster of players that they think will be the most effective when stacked up against other teams and their systems.

my faith in the Spurs isn't (only, mainly) based on the talent that they have on the floor. it's based on Coach Popovich's philosophical standards of excellence and team-oriented play, and his theory that, in the Spurs' system, any gear in the machine (not named Tim Duncan) could technically be removed and replaced without the overall performance suffering much.

i believe the Spurs will win because their game is superior. when they win, i am able to justify to myself all the time, money, and emotional investment i've placed in this particular philosophy of play and the group of men who follow it.


there's also the aspect of my desire to witness "greatness", or at least extreme excellence, under pressure-filled circumstances. at first look, there appears to be nothing at all grand about throwing a leather (composite microfiber :rolleyes:) ball through a metal hoop. but when the stars align and your entire career and the careers of others and the faith of everyone in the arena, of an entire city, of all the fans around the world and everyone involved in supporting this team so that they could arrive at this exact moment... when, ultimately, the happiness of so many people is hanging on the ability of one mortal man and his ability to put this leather ball through this metal hoop at this exact moment, without fail, then watching that mortal man step onto the floor and push his body and mind to their furthest capabilites in order to perform this absolutely monumental task...

...and then he fucking shoots a fadeaway 3 pointer in a motherfuckers face and SWISH!! PWNED!!!...

...that, to me, is an achievement of greatness more spectacular than any a man could hope to achieve in politics or science or engineering.


go spurs go.

...good luck with that...:lol:

Actually, I anticipated a post like this from you. But I don't think that your statement is very convincing. I still don't see how you can dedicate so much time and money as you say, to something like sports. One thing which I have noticed is that there is a lot of corruption in sports and there isn't a fair pick of players, as the team with the most wins gets first draft pick (at least in basketball) and of course the richest team always gets who they want. I don't see anything fair in that, and I don't see how you can say that every team is able to somehow choose every aspect of their strategy.

I would rather dedicate my time to something actually worthwhile, and save the risk taking to something that I can control in some way.

Also I disagree with your statement that their is some "greatness" in being able to perform under alot of pressure. Obviously these people have a way of being able to handle this pressure from everyone around them wanting them to perform and people wanting for them to lose... Naturally some people are going to be able to perform better than others under these circumstances...
sports are no different than music - if one is meaningless, so is the other

seriously, what the hell do you get out of listening to a burzum album?? entertainment.... that's it

sports are made to get away from boring everyday life (same thing with metal)
I disagree,

ie. A sports game is completed without so much as a word exchanged between players, or spectators. There is nothing acheived, nothing learned, even animals don't waste their time and energy on such frivolous activities. Listening to music however depends on what you gain from listening to music, if you just listen to music for entertainment then that is your choice, however their is a message in all forms of music as well as artistic value. Of course noone is saying that "anyone who doesn't like music is gay" which is what Teh Grimace said about sports, so yours is not a valid argument.
there isn't a fair pick of players, as the team with the most wins gets first draft pick (at least in basketball) and of course the richest team always gets who they want. I don't see anything fair in that, and I don't see how you can say that every team is able to somehow choose every aspect of their strategy.


It's the complete opposite. The teams with the WORST records, or least wins get the first pick in EVERY sport. That's the whole purpose of the draft. Let the bad draft the good and build up strength.

This is one thing I don't understand, and it is so prevelant. Why must people like you and Montu, who have no fucking clue at all about what you are talking about try to make statements and hold grudges/opinions about something you know nothing about and act like you do. It just boggles my goddamn mind. How can you pretend to hate, or not like something you know nothing about or at least understand why others may in some form get enjoyment out of it. It's like being a tr00 metalhead and saying so and so suxxxors and never have even listened to their fucking albums.

It's the complete opposite. The teams with the WORST records, or least wins get the first pick in EVERY sport. That's the whole purpose of the draft. Let the bad draft the good and build up strength.

I guess I will repoly to your first two sentences because the rest of your statement was absurdly irrelevant. If it is true that the worst team gets the first draft pick then that is not much of a difference. I understand you get enjoyment out of sports. However, I was arguing against there being something wrong with someone for NOT liking sports. :mad: And you have not addressed anything else in my statement. :Smug:
There's no disputing it, it's a fact. Try educating yourself on the topic before running your mouth. And I also regret to inform you that the structure of the draft does also in fact help. The Indianapolis Colts were complete shit until they drafted Peyton Manning. Ever since then he has learned the game inside and out they started building the team around his abilities, Tony Dungy came to the team and now they have been one of the best teams in the NFL for years. Yet again proving you wrong.

I don't care what you were arguing for or against. The fact is, you dislike sports because you *think* there is alot of corruption in sports. How it is a frivolous activity and all that jazz. As if you've been apart of a major sporting league. Experienced the ins and outs of team's organizations. It's like some 13 year old kid saying such and such band sucks ass, but can't play a single instrument and has no concept of music what so ever. Very impressive.
There's no disputing it, it's a fact. Try educating yourself on the topic before running your mouth. And I also regret to inform you that the structure of the draft does also in fact help. The Indianapolis Colts were complete shit until they drafted Peyton Manning. Ever since then he has learned the game inside and out they started building the team around his abilities, Tony Dungy came to the team and now they have been one of the best teams in the NFL for years. Yet again proving you wrong.

I don't care what you were arguing for or against. The fact is, you dislike sports because you *think* there is alot of corruption in sports. How it is a frivolous activity and all that jazz. As if you've been apart of a major sporting league. Experienced the ins and outs of team's organizations. It's like some 13 year old kid saying such and such band sucks ass, but can't play a single instrument and has no concept of music what so ever. Very impressive.
I don't need to be a part of the sports organization to know that it contributes very little and involves no real greatness other than the ability to perform like an overly trained animal, acheiving nothing more than the ability to compete for money and the chance at fame, while feeling like you have acheived some remarkable feat :)
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