the love thread

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I don't need to be a part of the sports organization to know that it contributes very little and involves no real greatness other than the ability to perform like an overly trained animal, acheiving nothing more than the ability to compete for money and the chance at fame, while feeling like you have acheived some remarkable feat :)

You're fucking stupid and wrong.
Wow. You live in England and follow American football? That's pretty cool.

I am a Patriots fan. They played like fucking shit yesterday. I really didn't have high hopes for them for this season to begin with, but they are even worse than I thought they would be.

An Italian, living in England, who follows American football. Fucking weird aint it!
Ive been to Miami, well all round Florida loads, and I absolutely love the place. But my dad when I was a kid always watched it, so at about 5 I supported the Fins, and its stuck. Loads of my mates support teams aswell, so we can actually get together and talk about it. Just a great game.
there isn't a fair pick of players, as the team with the most wins gets first draft pick (at least in basketball)

no, they don't.

and of course the richest team always gets who they want.

in other sports, that's somewhat true. basketball has a pay cap, and once that cap is reached, no extra money can be spent on free agents (other than the midlevel exception which won't exactly get you Allen Iverson).

I don't see how you can say that every team is able to somehow choose every aspect of their strategy.

which is why you haven't been interviewed for any head coach jobs recently.

Also I disagree with your statement that their is some "greatness" in being able to perform under alot of pressure.

this most likely stems from the fact that nobody gives a fuck what you do nor expects anything out of you.

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