the love thread

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I was just trying to get deep like nice clear ocean water than realizing I was born with a penis and hormones.
I love mead, and not specifically just one mead. Any flavor, or texture, perhaps a soothing raspberry mead, or a brutal straight forward honey mead? Perhaps on the rocks, or perhaps straight from the fucking bottle. Point is, mead is metal.
Kreator/Destroyer said:
my friend pat writes it on his arm before every race, not the english translation, the vvvvv thing, and you got the translation right but out of order (according to v5's sig) whatever i don't know shit about languages anyway
Learning Latin helps with english as well as the romance languages, so it's pretty awesome.
Zephyrus said:
Try reading his sig, genius.
The Greys said:
I was just trying to get deep like nice clear ocean water than realizing I was born with a penis and hormones.

Yeah well I was born with a vagina and just as many hormones. Do you see me using that as an excuse for my bouts of shallowness?

I really love the fact that we all start out female. That is fucking awesome. Fuck the Bible it doesn't know shit. =D!
The Greys said:
If I looked at the opposite sex like you would probably be gay. This is why i'm a male and you're a female!!!.

No, that's not why. I'm a female because a sperm carrying XX chromosomes fertilized my mother's egg after my parents made healthy marital love. You are a male because your father's sperm that made it to your mother's egg was carrying an XY chromosome, so after a couple months of being a female in your mother's womb, you developed little teeny testes that started producing testosterone, and you transformed into a male. The end.
I try to not be shallow but I can't help it. I can not just make myself by going i'm not going to be shallow. I would have to become unshallow naturally by something triggering some wisdom in my brain that's going to make me stop being shallow. hopefully that makes sense.
The Greys said:
If I looked at the opposite sex like you would probably be gay. This is why i'm a male and you're a female!!!.

I look at the opposite sex with respect and not as sexual objects, and yet I'm totally not gay at least not as much as Dodens would like you to believe.
I don't see the opposite sex as an object. I think sexual but that's not all. I do not think i'm seeing the female as a sexual object purely. I'm still curious about their personalities,etc...

Just because a female turns you on sexual it does not mean you don't care if she has a brain. All assets are important. Someones appearence is important. If we did not care about about appearence and attraction we would all not take showers or dress decentetc.. and look like we don't care. How someone's body is or face is just as important as someone's thoughts. You could not be with someone just on their personality or just on sex. everything is important

I'm not going to sex a fat chick because her personality is good either like some people. I have right to have my standards and try to get with a female that is hot and would sexually turn me on. Somones's lips or personality soley is not going to do it for me. A females legs,tits,hips,body,etc.. is what is going to do something for me more than anything. call it shallow

I'm 19 and my standards are going to be set really high. I want to get laid not settle down with someone have kids then listen to them share their personality. That would scare me. If I don't fuck any hot chicks by the time i'm 25 will start thinking more about personality over looks.
Would you date someone and have sexual intercourse with them just because their personality soley ?

I would not. I don't believe at all a female would either. I know some of you see a guy and want to fuck them when in horny mood so don't point fingers at me. Girls try to come off so innocent,etc.. and no one believes you. You're just as sexual as us and you have seen someone as an object before. don't lie

I'm sick of these discussions. If I see a female and want to fuck them that's how I feel. fuck off
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