the love thread

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The Greys said:
Would you date someone and have sexual intercourse with them just because their personality soley ?

I would not. I don't believe at all a female would either. I know some of you see a guy and want to fuck them when in horny mood so don't point fingers at me. Girls try to come off so innocent,etc.. and no one believes you. You're just as sexual as us and you have seen someone as an object before. don't lie

I would date someone based more on their personality than I would their looks, sure looks are important but I think I'm rather lenient ... no open when it comes to how girls look. So, I think its safe to say that unless you look far far far below average, then I'm going to be fine with how you look.
greys relax and stop worrying about what anybody else says

date the chicks you want, date the chicks who look good to you

forget everybody else... jeez

when did heavy metal fans start giving a rat's ass what anybody else thinks??
I love my school. Today we were doing some drunk driving thing that was supposed to show how many people could die from drunk driving and guess how they labeled the people that had died? CORPSE PAINT!!! Actually I was the only one with corpse paint on, because I put a black pattern thingy on over the white facepaint that the dead people had. It was great. School related corpse paint is krieg and kvlt and tr00.
They do that at my school every year, but the corpse-paint makes them look more like panda bears than Norwegian teenagers.
Ender Rises said:
I love my school. Today we were doing some drunk driving thing that was supposed to show how many people could die from drunk driving and guess how they labeled the people that had died? CORPSE PAINT!!! Actually I was the only one with corpse paint on, because I put a black pattern thingy on over the white facepaint that the dead people had. It was great. School related corpse paint is krieg and kvlt and tr00.

there was a hilarous article at this website - I can't find it anymore though

it was called "guide to being Cvlt as fvck"

some of the guidelines read like "hate everything yes everything... money sux, sex is for fags, clothes are for posers, food is for homos..."

"call everybody else a poser. you are the only tr00 one. even if somebody listens to some really obscure band that you like, call them a poser and say that they dont' really like that band, and that they are only saying that to try to be as Tr00 and as Cvlt as you"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
xxbigdavexx117 said:
there was a hilarous article at this website - I can't find it anymore though

it was called "guide to being Cvlt as fvck"

some of the guidelines read like "hate everything yes everything... money sux, sex is for fags, clothes are for posers, food is for homos..."

"call everybody else a poser. you are the only tr00 one. even if somebody listens to some really obscure band that you like, call them a poser and say that they dont' really like that band, and that they are only saying that to try to be as Tr00 and as Cvlt as you"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Greys said:
Would you date someone and have sexual intercourse with them just because their personality soley ?

I would not. I don't believe at all a female would either. I know some of you see a guy and want to fuck them when in horny mood so don't point fingers at me. Girls try to come off so innocent,etc.. and no one believes you. You're just as sexual as us and you have seen someone as an object before. don't lie


I wasn't even saying that at all. I fantasize about strange men right in front of them all the time. I don't think iv'e ever denied my sexuality on this board, ever. And I think American women in general are starting to embrace it more and more.

I was just commenting on your rant that mentioned fat chicks and settling down, hahahah. Because it got rather nonsensical toward the end there.
Mort Divine said:
I would date someone based more on their personality than I would their looks, sure looks are important but I think I'm rather lenient ... no open when it comes to how girls look. So, I think its safe to say that unless you look far far far below average, then I'm going to be fine with how you look.

You have a good point(i think I get what you mean). If I was talking with a female that I did not find attractive or sexy, but not ugly or repulsive and a strong connection was made based on personality that would be enough for me to get involved. I would think she's not my ideal but not bad by any means or ugly. If I just flat out found somone really ugly and not liked their appearence at all connection would not be enough to get me to spend time with them. I do think someone you don't find attractive that is not exactly ugly can appear to be more attractive when you connect. My first girlfriend for example wanted to date me and with talking I started to find her hot. She was not ugly but not my ideal type where I would notice her unless we met. Regardless she was not what I was looking for she was still an attractive person. I originally had her help me hook up with someone else which failed. I thought since she likes me I might aswell go with it.

I don't see a female as an object by any means and think there is shades of grey in the middle where personality can be important. I don't just see a female as meat like it seems like people are pointing at me.
I was at an FYE in the metal section(a metal section with two sides). A really hot girl around my age was on the other side bending over in tight jeans and shirt going through albums. I walked around to the other side around her getting a really great shot of her ass and tits. I did not see her face or even think to myself she had a brain.

The Greys said:
I was at an FYE in the metal section(a metal section with two sides). A really hot girl around my age was on the other side bending over in tight jeans and shirt going through albums. I walked around to the other side around her getting a really great shot of her ass and tits. I did not see her face or even think to myself she had a brain.


I would never do anything like that.
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