the love thread

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If a female liked me I would expect her to do the samething. Maybe I would notice and get some idea. You can't read peoples minds. I'm underraged so I can't go somewhere and meet someone. Maybe I should make eye contact instead, then a chick would probably think you're creepy though. If you look at a females tits she might not notice. Maybe that's why I don't concentrate at the face.
The Greys said:
Maybe I should make eye contact instead.

Yes! There you go! Trust me, eye contact is SO MUCH SEXIER than having some random guy look at your private parts, and is MUCH LESS creepy. My god I don't get your reasoning at all. How can you think looking down her shirt was less creepy?

Giving a sexy look to my face is so much more inviting than trying to undress me with your eyes. God do men really know so little?... I always thought that was a bad stereotype.
Susperia said:
Yes! There you go! Trust me, eye contact is SO MUCH SEXIER than having some random guy look at your private parts, and is MUCH LESS creepy. My god I don't get your reasoning at all. How can you think looking down her shirt was less creepy?

Giving a sexy look to my face is so much more inviting than trying to undress me with your eyes. God do men really know so little?... I always thought that was a bad stereotype.

I walked around her then standing alittle away. I did not stand beside her literally looking down her shirt. I should not even mention stuff like this.

I don't do it all the time. This female was just one of the ones you can to get a closer look at.

am a such a bad person!!



i'm going to hell
Would you try to hit me too ?

I would kick your 14 year old ass!!!. I have 5 years on you boy.
You have only three years on me, and I wouldn't hit anyone I'd tell the girl about the creep staring at their chest.
As males we're not suppose to do things like that. it's the rules
Well then someone's going to have too reinforce the rules by kicking your ass :)
I realized this is the love thread so i'm not going to hit you in the face now!.

I love mort divinewinterblot.
hey susperia - what's the best way to tell a girl I'm really interested??

eye contact (that's what I do now)??

another question... there's this girl I kinda like - the other day we made eye contact (well more like I caught her staring at me) like 3 times... she gives me all these signs (really excited to talk to me, lots of smiling even when I don't act particularly interested in her) but she's got a boyfriend

the other day I asked her If she wants to go out sometime - she said yea sure and gave me her number right away... yea she's got a boyfriend
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