the love thread

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Mort Divine said:
The mentioning of Joanna Newsom

i'm kinda off her now cause i saw some interview where she was putting on this sort of mock-childish speech pattern and it just all seemed really contrived and... i dunno... trendy, since this "oh lets all stare at the sky like we're constantly tripping" thing seems to be teh hipness in the Frisco scene right now...
Teh Grimace said:
i'm kinda off her now cause i saw some interview where she was putting on this sort of mock-childish speech pattern and it just all seemed really contrived and... i dunno... trendy, since this "oh lets all stare at the sky like we're constantly tripping" thing seems to be teh hipness in the Frisco scene right now...

Haha, that is pretty lame. I quite enjoy her music, at least what I've heard of it. :)
I love Agalloch's "A Desolation Song" if today were dark, cloudy, and grey I would be even more amazed by it. It is just so beautiful on those days.
Yeah, Agalloch is amazing in all aspects.

It is amusing, with the review I wrote for The Mantle, just how shitty my part about "A Desolation Song" was.

We sit at the fire together but alone, I pull out two flasks of whiskey from my coat pockets and pass one to you. We drink from them until we are drowning in the liquor instead of our sorrows. The fire keeps us warm and comfortable. Slowly we grow tired and lay down, put to rest by exhaustion and the power of the whiskey. The final track on this amazing journey is “A Desolation Song” which is not more than the acoustic guitar accompanied by the contrabass and an accordion. The lyrics are whispered and reflect a man drinking around a fire. Part way through the song a mandolin comes in, and then the song continues with the same acoustic format until the end where a blowing wind closes the album out.
I like being skinny and not masculine regardless being a male. I like skinny females and it's a general appearence that is good to me regardless what sex. Being skinny having good hair is important. I don't want to be a female or anything and don't want to appear masculine either. I'd rather resemble a female than a bodybuilder. My dad always says to me your arms are to skinny and you need to toughin up because someone might kick your ass one day. I don't think about crap like that :lol:. I think someone under estimating your masculity based on your appearence than you proving that wrong with quickness is what is important. The smaller you are the faster and more quick,quit you are. Like a stealth or something that goes right in for the kill and unseen.
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