the love thread

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The Greys said:
That's like an oxymoron. My reasonings for drinking coffee must be very different. I wake up depressed bleak and cold, then look outside and it's the same exact thing in image. I go to the kitchen awaiting hot coffee. Besides coffee tasting good I like to hold a coffee cup and drink and do this in a repetitive motion all morning. I can forget about things I don't want to to think about by having another thing to focus on.

That was how I felt when I was addicted to crystal meth (well, the waiting for your fix, repetitive motion, and uplifting feeling anyway).
Anyway, uppers FTL. I've got low metabolism and I love it. People just need to slow the fuck down sometimes.
I've almost been addicted to painkillers a few times which is kinda similiar to my coffee habits except i've never run out of coffee. coffee is not nearly as uplifting :lol:, but it's the best thing you can do when you don't have things like that or alcohol.
I don't care for pharm a ceut i cals either. For someone who smokes tobacco and cannabis, and drinks alcohol, I'm actually quite anti-drug (at least anything narcotic).

edit: Goddamn medi cation spammers! Can you please turn off the drug censorship Deron?; I hate having to put spaces in all dr ug related words so they won't turn into a mess of asterisks.
I love when people do dumber things than you could imagine doing ever even in three lifetimes.
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