the love thread

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shifting into baseball talk for a second

andrew, what do you think prior will do this year if he stays healthy?? last year the problem for him (When he played) was his inability to throw a decent strike with anything but a fastball. His curveballs were constantly high/in the dirt, and when that happens hitters just sit on the fastball and will kill him all day long. This is the key for any power pitcher, if somebody has to prepare for a nasty 12-6 curve, an 88 mph slider, AND a 96 mph fastball, he has no chance whatosoever, but these hitters could time a 10000000 mph fastball if they are sitting on it (and know the pitcher has no chance to throw anything else for a strike)

If he can get some decent control with the curve/slider this year, and stays healthy, he will be one of the best in the league
shifting into baseball talk for a second

andrew, what do you think prior will do this year if he stays healthy?? last year the problem for him (When he played) was his inability to throw a decent strike with anything but a fastball. His curveballs were constantly high/in the dirt, and when that happens hitters just sit on the fastball and will kill him all day long. This is the key for any power pitcher, if somebody has to prepare for a nasty 12-6 curve, an 88 mph slider, AND a 96 mph fastball, he has no chance whatosoever, but these hitters could time a 10000000 mph fastball if they are sitting on it (and know the pitcher has no chance to throw anything else for a strike)

If he can get some decent control with the curve/slider this year, and stays healthy, he will be one of the best in the league

Speaking of baseball,I hate that I forgot the draft,but I love how I got a good team
shifting into baseball talk for a second

andrew, what do you think prior will do this year if he stays healthy?? last year the problem for him (When he played) was his inability to throw a decent strike with anything but a fastball. His curveballs were constantly high/in the dirt, and when that happens hitters just sit on the fastball and will kill him all day long. This is the key for any power pitcher, if somebody has to prepare for a nasty 12-6 curve, an 88 mph slider, AND a 96 mph fastball, he has no chance whatosoever, but these hitters could time a 10000000 mph fastball if they are sitting on it (and know the pitcher has no chance to throw anything else for a strike)

If he can get some decent control with the curve/slider this year, and stays healthy, he will be one of the best in the league

I honestly don't really know what to think about Prior. If he stays healthy he'll still have to deal with the control issues, as you said. I'm sure the lack of control on his breaking stuff was related to his injuries, so I'd imagine that is he gets a full spring of work in he'll improve. If that happens, then the Cubs will have a pretty good top-3 in Lilly, Zambrano and Prior (I assume Kerry Wood will be eaten by wolves or something), so that, along with Piniella managing, Alfonso Soriano, Aramis Ramirez and (hopefully) as full season out of Derek Lee, they should be a lot better than they were. And since no one else in the division improved very much at all (if I recall correctly. I want to say the Brewers did something, but I don't remember), I think the Cubs have a legitimate shot.

Piniella is the key, though. are my hero

there is this one kid (also scrawny) he says he maxes out in the weight room at 160 pounds...he is much stronger than i expected but i am still stronger and when i mention this he says that he hasn't lifted in a while, everyone he talks to, if they talk to him about something, he always says that he could beat them or he knows more about it or he is better. I hate him...the smug bastard. I want to punch him ONCE...not some jabs, just a massive right hook right after i lifted so i still have some metal running through my head and my muscles temporarily bulge...i'd break his nose, walk away. If he comes after me, then i knee him in the crotch, anime style, and then as blood flies out of his mouth, i will give another hook with my left hand and then slide-kick his shins and dropkick him in the chest. Then i walk away...wait no, first i say "what ya gonna say now fucker!" then i walk away. THE END, i've thought of that for a while, when thinking of fighting several different people.

You know, the most hilarious part about the whole situation was. The weekend before we had the confrontation, I was sitting at my buddies house and I said, "I hate Zach Goss (the guys name), I just want to kick his ass before I graduate." And oddly enough THAT following monday, all that shit happened. I was like "that is the most fucked up thing ever...but I love it!" are my hero

there is this one kid (also scrawny) he says he maxes out in the weight room at 160 pounds...he is much stronger than i expected but i am still stronger and when i mention this he says that he hasn't lifted in a while, everyone he talks to, if they talk to him about something, he always says that he could beat them or he knows more about it or he is better. I hate him...the smug bastard. I want to punch him ONCE...not some jabs, just a massive right hook right after i lifted so i still have some metal running through my head and my muscles temporarily bulge...i'd break his nose, walk away. If he comes after me, then i knee him in the crotch, anime style, and then as blood flies out of his mouth, i will give another hook with my left hand and then slide-kick his shins and dropkick him in the chest. Then i walk away...wait no, first i say "what ya gonna say now fucker!" then i walk away. THE END, i've thought of that for a while, when thinking of fighting several different people.

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