the love thread

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Which, ironically, that is what online forums are for. You know, sparking conversation and interacting with people. Not to mention this also happens, you know, in real life and whatnot on a daily basis. You get into a conversation about something and it stems into something else. I don't understand how on earth you could possibly be off-topic, in an off-topic thread. But what do I know.

When the "hate" thread becomes just another "Gen Metal Social" thread (which we already have) on a regular basis, then it is no longer needed.

When the "hate" thread turns into a discussion talking about rape (among other things like porn, drugs), and what excuses you could use to get away with rape, and more off shoot discussions making light of rape and joking about it, then you've crossed the line into a subject matter I don't want here on Ultimate Metal. You want your discussions to spawn into haha rape chat you can find another forum for that or go hang out with some buddies down at the local pub and laugh about it all you want. It isn't going to take place here.
When the "hate" thread becomes just another "Gen Metal Social" thread (which we already have) on a regular basis, then it is no longer needed.

When the "hate" thread turns into a discussion talking about rape (among other things like porn, drugs), and what excuses you could use to get away with rape, and more off shoot discussions making light of rape and joking about it, then you've crossed the line into a subject matter I don't want here on Ultimate Metal. You want your discussions to spawn into haha rape chat you can find another forum for that or go hang out with some buddies down at the local pub and laugh about it all you want. It isn't going to take place here.

You really shouldn't be ruling the site and stopping discussion based on what YOU are comfortable with. Sure you by all means are allowed to but still pretty damned shit thing to do.

And what is wrong with discussing drugs? It stemed from a perfectly acceptable "I hate this" post of mine therefore as far as I can tell it should've have had anything to do with being a problem post.

But anyways, if you want to run a successful board you should've be going "OH Hey I don't like that can't talk about it" or people WILL leave due to Nazi like censorship that WILL rise. It has happened ON EVERY board I've gone to with an admin who doesn't like what the members are discussing, and the goes and bans the subject.
You really shouldn't be ruling the site and stopping discussion based on what YOU are comfortable with. Sure you by all means are allowed to but still pretty damned shit thing to do.

And what is wrong with discussing drugs? It stemed from a perfectly acceptable "I hate this" post of mine therefore as far as I can tell it should've have had anything to do with being a problem post.

But anyways, if you want to run a successful board you should've be going "OH Hey I don't like that can't talk about it" or people WILL leave due to Nazi like censorship that WILL rise. It has happened ON EVERY board I've gone to with an admin who doesn't like what the members are discussing, and the goes and bans the subject.

If I am paying the server fees, software, spending countless hours admining, tweaking, etc. I think I have a slight say on if I want rape talked about on this site or not . If you don't like that simply find another site to frequent, I could live without allowing that kind of crap to be discussed on the GENERAL METAL FORUM. Same with over the top drug posts. There's a freakin million things you can talk about here, how it destroys your little world to leave drugs and rape out of it is beyond me.
How was the drug talk even REMOTELY over the top? I mentioned how I was annoyed that stores around the area wouldn't sell cough syrup to minors and had like 5-6 more posts about that. It was pretty low key. And I honestly don't see how posting about drugs is even remotely "wrong" whereas I could see rape being "objectionable material" and therefore would most certainly understand WHY you would like to remove the rape discussion, not support you in any way but understand your position.

I said it is within your right as the owner of this site to not allow the rape discussion but what I was saying and you OBVIOUSLY missed my point is that it tends to happen that a board becomes Nazi-level censored when one topic is banned from discussion. Just a foretelling of the possible events to come, from past experience as a message board dweller.
It wasn't your post that I was referring to (drug thing) - it was the ever so typical snowball effect that led into more drug chat. I would have cared less otherwise.

Most should know by now that I am pretty laid back in what I delete or not, and there shouldn't be any worry otherwise. If that's a concern for you then you just haven't watched me enough to know better. However, when a line is crossed I will step in.
I think closing The Hate thread for the rape jokes is overreating in a big way. Especially when one considers all the other offensive and generally mean-spirited things that are said on here in a serious manner. The fact that this is a metal forum only makes it stranger- given the attitudes of the metal communuty, lyrical themese of some metal music and the very often violent, grisly or intentionally offensive imagery and themes associated with metal- that some subjects are taboo or deemed too serious to be joked about.

But, whatever. I thought it was funny (obviously, because I was the one joking about it, and I literally think that everything I say ever is comedy gold), but I can handle having my posts deleted, and I don't mind being asked to not joke about certain topics, but closing the whole thread because of that? That's overreating.

Hell, I could even understand (and partially agree) if the Hate Thread was deleted for the sole reason that it was becoming too similair to the Social Thread. But that's not the reason it was closed, so it doesn't seem right to me.
I think closing The Hate thread for the rape jokes is overreating in a big way. Especially when one considers all the other offensive and generally mean-spirited things that are said on here in a serious manner. The fact that this is a metal forum only makes it stranger- given the attitudes of the metal communuty, lyrical themese of some metal music and the very often violent, grisly or intentionally offensive imagery and themes associated with metal- that some subjects are taboo or deemed too serious to be joked about.

Metal lyrics are NOT to be taken literally. Much of the 'gore' aspect of metal is to be taken as if one were reading a comic book. You can't go out making fun of the rather sensitive issues of soceity. Whats wrong remains wrong, metal or not.
Metal lyrics are NOT to be taken literally. Much of the 'gore' aspect of metal is to be taken as if one were reading a comic book. You can't go out making fun of the rather sensitive issues of soceity. Whats wrong remains wrong, metal or not.

Nor are jokes meant to be taken literally. If you can listen to music with offensive lyrical themes, but not offensive jokes, that's a double standard. Regardless, do you really think that there are no metal bands out there who mean what they say?

It seems like your saying that it's ok for metal bands to make light of any subject they want, but it's not ok for anyone else.
I think closing The Hate thread for the rape jokes is overreating in a big way. Especially when one considers all the other offensive and generally mean-spirited things that are said on here in a serious manner. The fact that this is a metal forum only makes it stranger- given the attitudes of the metal communuty, lyrical themese of some metal music and the very often violent, grisly or intentionally offensive imagery and themes associated with metal- that some subjects are taboo or deemed too serious to be joked about.

But, whatever. I thought it was funny (obviously, because I was the one joking about it, and I literally think that everything I say ever is comedy gold), but I can handle having my posts deleted, and I don't mind being asked to not joke about certain topics, but closing the whole thread because of that? That's overreating.

Hell, I could even understand (and partially agree) if the Hate Thread was deleted for the sole reason that it was becoming too similair to the Social Thread. But that's not the reason it was closed, so it doesn't seem right to me.

Actually I said it was as much for the fact that it was a social thread any more as well. Probably more so the reason it was closed. The rape stuff was just the piece of straw.
So what if it was just becoming another social thread?? Was it hurting anybody? NO! We all enjoyed it, and isn't that the point? No one was complaining. Removing it was unnecessary.
I don't get it, when did anybody say that rape is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously??

it was all clearly a joke, and nobody was offended

obviously rape is a horrible thing and I would never say otherwise, but that was a joke nothing serious at all
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