the love thread

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Just try and imagine a person who's been a victim of rape in the past comes on and reads this. What people were posting could have gotten QUITE offending.

I agree with the idea though that simply the deletion of posts would have been a fine solution. Including a warning to go with it.

This reminded me of story on the news the other night, about this "erasing bad memories pill". Basically the same story in the link i have provided.

In short, they have discovered adrenaline is what makes us remember bad incidents as we freak out, and this pill blocks adrenaline, so when victims retell their account the adrenaline is blocked and the memory doesn't seem as bad.

A trial of the pill worked on a rape victim, and a train driver who had someone suicide in front of her eyes (splattered on her train window) After taking the pill the rape victim wasn't scared to take her clothes off in front of her husband anymore, and the train driver was at ease when thinking of the bad memory.

They needed funding, and the Army (US i think) is going to fund them because they want to use it on traumatised soldiers.

I think some branch of the US government denied them funding because of the ethical issues with it.

What do you all think?
In short, they have discovered adrenaline is what makes us remember bad incidents as we freak out, and this pill blocks adrenaline, so when victims retell their account the adrenaline is blocked and the memory doesn't seem as bad.
I remember remembering almost everything back when I was a small kid. I was always so hyper and buzzed, its as if my body was producing coffee within.
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