the love thread

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I actually just met a guy that apparently listens to Metal too, which is surprising consider it was in Autozone and they only play Spanish music there (due to the fact that my city is 90% Hispanic). So the guy asked me "is that a Buorzum shirt" (complete with slight accent), and then we talked for about a minute about how rare an occurrence it was.
My town is almost all white, but that is cancelled out by half of them being queens.

Actually, most of the gays who hang around are actually from Jersey but they come over here to be gay and we get stuck with the gay reputation. It's bullshit. Fuck Jersey!
corny as it is, I do enjoy it. Plymouth is basically scenekid capitol USA, and the other day I met a guy a good deal older than me with a homemade Darkthrone hoodie on. I had a Burzum shirt. We stared each other down for a while, then started excitedly conversing about how you never see that shit around here, etc. It was exciting. I think that may have been the first actual black metal fan I have actually met in my entire life, no lie. Later, a scene looking kid with black tight ass pants and a tiny white shirt stared at me in amazement when I had my burzum shirt on, then asked me where I got it. I replied, "the internet". He then said, fuck it, I'll probably just make one myself. The next day I wore a Celtic Frost shirt and he sort of laughed when I walked by, and was like shit where do you get all these shirts, you never see anyone with them. So I may have met two extreme metal fans in two days, which is two more than I have ever met.

This all happened downtown this week, by the way.

Okay, that was my story for the day.

sad thing is, that would never happen here in Youngstown. goddamn my pals and their overpopulation.
what do you guys think of this shirt? I am probably going to buy it

All I want is a black t-shirt with a band logo across the chest. No drawings, no writing (espcially on the fucking sleeves), no lyrics or tour dates printed on the back, no "FUCK POSERS". Just a simple band logo on a black- maybe grey- shirt.

Is that so much to ask?
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