the love thread

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How many of these shootings does there have to be before it's statistically probable that things like this will happen?
I think this is kind of a silly point. These shooting are exceedingly rare, and I don't think the number of them are going up. They are just glamorized in the news.
Why don't you think that changing the laws will help anything?
I think that adding more gun control might help lower some crime, but I think there are other factors to consider. What about all the people who use guns responsibly? What about all the people who want guns for protection? What about people who enjoy hunting? Oh sorry, you can't do any of that, because of one tragedy in Virginia. You have to remember in most states, there is a lot of gun control. For example in Massachusetts, you must get a license, take classes, keep the gun locked when not in use, and of course background checks and waiting periods. Plus assault weapons are banned. Frankly, I think you have some good points, but I think we here in the United States need to think things like gun control through and not just react, so it can be acceptable to everyone.
Fact of the matter is, there isn't much you can do unless you just ban them. Which is never going to happen either. People are still going to sell them illegally, just like drugs.

Indeed. Banning anything in this country would be fucking uselss, since someone will just bring it in from Mexico anyway.

Unless you ban soap or something.
I think this is kind of a silly point. These shooting are exceedingly rare, and I don't think the number of them are going up.

I agree. People are shot and killed everyday and no one cares about these people or thinks about changing gun laws,etc.. and than a school shooting happens and now everyone cares and feels. I think the reason why it's made more a big deal is because it's rare. When you look at how many people are shot in killed everyday in the entire US in seperate states and then add the entire world 30 people getting shot is nothing. I don't see how people can justify and seperate people getting shot like this.

Do crimes have to happen on campuses for people to give a shit and care about laws ?

A huge ammount of people(probably hundreds,thousands,etc) get shot and no one cares about the gunlaws and than 30 people or less get shot at a school and know america has gun problems!!!

People that could carless about guns and gun laws normally now voice their opinions when god knows how many people have been killed by guns.


I guess that's people for you. Some peoples lives are nothing and I guess some are and people will always think that way.
LOL@Coolname. Mate, you are consistantly the funniest poster on these boards. I offer you my thanks.

Why not ban guns but allow axes ? Then people could carry axes for self protection, go to axe shows, throw axes at targets / deers etc like responsible people. Sure, some people might go bug crazy and mental, but I reckon it'd be pretty fucking hard to kill 30 people in one sitting.

Unless you did a load of cardio work / are a viking.
^I like that solution. Axe throwing is a lot of fun.

Oh, this reminds me. I had a dream last night where Carcassian won an award for a three second voice over narration he did for a movie. In the dream he was a slightly over weight man with grey hair wearing a bathrobe.

Correct on the slightly overweight thing.

For the information of your future dreams about me (you fucking homo), I'm 6'3'', 18stone, red haired muscle bound adonis. Women want to be with me and men want to be me.

Such is my curse.
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