but I reckon it'd be pretty fucking hard to kill 30 people in one sitting.
Unless you did a load of cardio work / are a viking.
Or have a gun at virginia tech
but I reckon it'd be pretty fucking hard to kill 30 people in one sitting.
Unless you did a load of cardio work / are a viking.
Or have a gun at virginia tech
LOL@Coolname. Mate, you are consistantly the funniest poster on these boards. I offer you my thanks.
Or have a gun at virginia tech
Guns took the whole idea of honor and glory out of war.
For the information of your future dreams about me (you fucking homo), I'm 6'3'', 18stone, red haired muscle bound adonis. Women want to be with me and men want to be me.
I think this is kind of a silly point. These shooting are exceedingly rare, and I don't think the number of them are going up. They are just glamorized in the news.
I think that adding more gun control might help lower some crime, but I think there are other factors to consider. What about all the people who use guns responsibly? What about all the people who want guns for protection? What about people who enjoy hunting? Oh sorry, you can't do any of that, because of one tragedy in Virginia. You have to remember in most states, there is a lot of gun control. For example in Massachusetts, you must get a license, take classes, keep the gun locked when not in use, and of course background checks and waiting periods. Plus assault weapons are banned. Frankly, I think you have some good points, but I think we here in the United States need to think things like gun control through and not just react, so it can be acceptable to everyone.
..I'm hearing things in the news about Virginia Tech students complaining that this could have been avoided if guns were allowed on campus. Yeah! More guns everywhere will help the problem! Everyone everywhere should carry a gun at all times, then nothing will go wrong!...
Correct on the slightly overweight thing.
For the information of your future dreams about me (you fucking homo), I'm 6'3'', 18stone, red haired muscle bound adonis. Women want to be with me and men want to be me.
Such is my curse.
I say glamorized because this thing is all over the news, when in the grand scheme of things it was was an unpreventable tragedy.You think they're glamorized in the news? That's an odd word to use. Anyway, I think that these sorts of incidents should be used to highlight the gun problem in America. They may be rare in the large scheme of things, but shooting deaths altogether certainly aren't.
And how do you propose we regulate this? You can only use that shotgun for hunting, but not on the robber in your house? This is what I meant by impractical.People using guns responsibly and for things like hunting will always be factored in to gun control laws. Here in Australia you are allowed to own a gun for both of those things. It's the "people who want guns for protection" bit that is fucked up in your country. The "right to bear arms" part of your constitution is silly and outdated.
These people are going into what if scenarios about something that really was unpredictable. I think you are doing a similar thing, just in the opposite viewpoint. "If there was more gun control, he wouldn't have gotten the gun" vs. "If we had guns we could have stopped him." What I am arguing against is doing this shoulda woulda coulda, reactionary thinking.I'm hearing things in the news about Virginia Tech students complaining that this could have been avoided if guns were allowed on campus. Yeah! More guns everywhere will help the problem! Everyone everywhere should carry a gun at all times, then nothing will go wrong!![]()
Agreed on all points, I just feel that gun control is not the best way to do it and I don't want Americans to make a rash decision based on one incident.Obviously gun control needs to be thought through, I'm not saying it shouldn't. Use of firearms is so ingrained into your culture that you couldn't just ban gun ownership. But the fact remains that there are too many guns and too many shooting deaths in your country. So something should be done about it.