the love thread

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I love getting cds in the mail.

both of these masterpieces came to me at the sametime brand new.

Opeth-Still Life
Agalloch-Pale Folklore

I don't download porn. I just use free sites that link off each other. You know how you click a lady you like and than a site pops up with her in 12+ pics.

I have a 14 year old sister that likes my music along with her friends and don't want her to come across porno videos.
No fuckin' way.

I mean sure the Night Elves are fuckin' badass, but nothing is cooler than seeing your enemy base go down in flames because of a barage of 8 consecutive nukes.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri FTW. Running entire countries with boundaries, war, trades, etc. on a real time planet with other countries then taking over the world via nuclear war FTW also.
Porn is not that big of a deal where I need to download it and change files or put them in hidden folders.
I say glamorized because this thing is all over the news, when in the grand scheme of things it was was an unpreventable tragedy.

Just because it's all over the news doesn't make it look glamorous. And saying it was unpreventable is an assumption. Any number of things could have prevented this from happening for all we know.

And how do you propose we regulate this? You can only use that shotgun for hunting, but not on the robber in your house? This is what I meant by impractical.

By making it MUCH harder to get a gun. You guys should be looking to see what works in other countries.

These people are going into what if scenarios about something that really was unpredictable. I think you are doing a similar thing, just in the opposite viewpoint. "If there was more gun control, he wouldn't have gotten the gun" vs. "If we had guns we could have stopped him." What I am arguing against is doing this shoulda woulda coulda, reactionary thinking.

Agreed on all points, I just feel that gun control is not the best way to do it and I don't want Americans to make a rash decision based on one incident.

I wouldn't want laws to be changed because of one incident either, but this one incident among MANY gun related incidents that happen every day in your country. As I said earlier, if this one incident can bring up the issue and get people thinking then I think that's a good thing.

As a side note I would like to say that although I disagree with you here, I don't want any bad blood between us, because I think you are a very articulate and good poster. :kickass:

Haha, cheers mate, no bad blood here at all. Obviously I'm coming from a completely different perspective because I live in a country where hardly anyone owns a gun, and it seems insane to me that guns are so prevalent in America and no-one seems interested in doing anything about it. I realise that it's part of your culture over there and nothing is probably going to change very soon. We can agree to disagree and leave it at that if you like.
I love the Doom games. They go good with black metal, at least the levels set in hell with the big demons and pentagrams with Satan's face and everything.
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