the love thread

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Joe Morgan is an idiot.

But Jon Miller is awesome. He's also the Giants radio announcer.

Fuck, anyone watching the Yankee game? Alex Rodriguez is playing like a MACHINE this season. I'm glad to see that he's finally feeling comfortable in a Yankees uniform. The team in general, however...not so hot. They really need to get some relief from the IR and resolve some pitching staff issues.

He's hot now, but he'll slow down and get treated like shit again.

Most homers in the month of April as of today. Past my boy Pujols, who is having a rough start.

edit: Even with Arod's egotistical comments on 660, I think he's a great(est?) player and decent enough person.

He's great, and might end up being one of the greatest, but he'll never be the greatest.

btw I hate the Cards. and Pujols. Sorry
I think I said that, and included that I hated every one of you. Funny that we agree on something. Also, make sure if you do get some that its shaven and not just immature, because I'm pretty sure that makes you a pedafile.

:lol: at pedafile, you really need to go to class more often and post here alot less. You are not exactly the brightest crayon in the box
But Jon Miller is awesome. He's also the Giants radio announcer.

He sucks, actually. I hate the way national broadcasts are done, and he is one of the worst. I didn't know he worked for the Giants until I saw that gigantic (lol) circle jerk they had on opening day. Damn, dude. Tell the Giants to tone it down about a thousand notches. I was at opening day at Yankee Stadium, and Sheppard comes over the PA system like "ok here's the teams heres a big flag lets sing lets have a moment of silence for Cory Lidle ok lets play".

That really goes back to my complaints about the ESPN / FOX broadcasts, too. The game itself is enough. No need to add all this trivial, over-the-top nonsense.

He's hot now, but he'll slow down and get treated like shit again.

No one has ever had a start like this. Obviously he won't keep up this pace, but what he's doing right now isn't just a hot streak. His entire attitude has changed completley from when he first came to the Yankees. He's no longer trying to please everyone, look like Jeter's buddy and pander to the media. He's just out there playing like he knows he can and letting his talent speak for him. Being a little more techincal, he's no longer trying to conform to the Yankee hitting stlye of taking a shit load of pithes anymore and he's back to knocking the hell out of whatever he can reach. He's also lost significant weight, so he's more flexible. Last year he was sort of bulky in the upper body.

He's great, and might end up being one of the greatest, but he'll never be the greatest.

I can only assume that you say he will never be the greatest because you are a Giants fan (which is cool) and therefore a Barry Bonds fan (which is not cool). Even if Bonds never gets indicted / proven to be a cheat, A-Rod is still on pace to surpass him, anyway.

(I have no problem with the Giants, by the way. Though it probably seems that way. Barry Bonds, though...)
it's going to be tough for anybody to surpass bonds in terms of all around greatness, 7 - 10 gold gloves (I can't quite recall), unbelievable career #s, 500 - 500, one of the few true 5 tool players in the history of the game, not to mention he has easily had 3 or 4 of the best offensive years in the history of the game.

Say what you want about steroids, but no conclusive proof has surfaced regarding bonds, and I am willing to bet plenty of big time players take the juice anyways. Bonds is a legend regardless of all the off-field bullshit
it's going to be tough for anybody to surpass bonds in terms of all around greatness, 7 - 10 gold gloves (I can't quite recall), unbelievable career #s, 500 - 500, one of the few true 5 tool players in the history of the game, not to mention he has easily had 3 or 4 of the best offensive years in the history of the game.

Say what you want about steroids, but no conclusive proof has surfaced regarding bonds, and I am willing to bet plenty of big time players take the juice anyways. Bonds is a legend regardless of all the off-field bullshit

Bonds is a science class experiment. No conclusive proof? Tell me you're not serious. Maybe the camera adds a couple hundred pounds of muscle and head. Then again, you're the one who said Steroids dont shrink your balls and make your head grow right? Lol just because his friend is doing hard time in jail for him so that Bonds will make him his sex buddy when he gets out doesn't mean he didn't take steroids. HAHAHA his girlfriend of like 5 years even helped him inject, and told the world about it. The only reason she was "discredited" was because Bonds threatened her. No proof? How about that Jose Canseco POINTED HIM OUT in his book? Yeah, some exec burned the documentation saying bonds bought steroids, THERE GOES THE EVIDENCE!!! how about how when bonds came into the league he looked like juan pierre and as he gets ready to retire he looks like arnold schwarzenegger. Want to know the funny thing about arnold? He admitted to using steroids. Bonds is not a five tool athlete, jose reyes is. and when jose reyes decides to roid up the mets will move him to left field and from first to fourth in the batting order, and then everyone will start saying how he's the next barry bonds. And coming from the kid with 203598204965820598 posts I don't know that I'd take advice on posting and not posting here, though I do admit I don't go to enough class. no steroids, good lord thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard. now i remember why i hate you.
Bonds is a science class experiment. No conclusive proof? Tell me you're not serious. Maybe the camera adds a couple hundred pounds of muscle and head. Then again, you're the one who said Steroids dont shrink your balls and make your head grow right? Lol just because his friend is doing hard time in jail for him so that Bonds will make him his sex buddy when he gets out doesn't mean he didn't take steroids. HAHAHA his girlfriend of like 5 years even helped him inject, and told the world about it. The only reason she was "discredited" was because Bonds threatened her. No proof? How about that Jose Canseco POINTED HIM OUT in his book? Yeah, some exec burned the documentation saying bonds bought steroids, THERE GOES THE EVIDENCE!!! how about how when bonds came into the league he looked like juan pierre and as he gets ready to retire he looks like arnold schwarzenegger. Want to know the funny thing about arnold? He admitted to using steroids. Bonds is not a five tool athlete, jose reyes is. and when jose reyes decides to roid up the mets will move him to left field and from first to fourth in the batting order, and then everyone will start saying how he's the next barry bonds. And coming from the kid with 203598204965820598 posts I don't know that I'd take advice on posting and not posting here, though I do admit I don't go to enough class. no steroids, good lord thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard. now i remember why i hate you.

bonds got a lot bigger over about a 10 - 20 year stretch, there's nothing particularly questionable about that. Even as big as he is today, he is only 6'2' 235 (which is plenty within his genetic limit of attaining music).

and it is really hard in this steroid era to determine who is and who isn't on steroids. There has been very little to no conclusive evidence of anything so far, leaving only speculation and rumours of steroid use. The one thing I can say is that Bonds, in his era, compared to everybody around him is still by far the best player in the league. You can point to the roid scandals but who is to say albert pujols isn't on the juice or luis gonzalez when he hit 57 homers a few years ago. Its impossible to tell who is or isn't on steroids, and the only thing you can do is look at the player's performance compared to the other players of his time priod.

not to mention that half the people so far that violated the roid policy were pitchers, who is to say there wasn't an even playing field? who is to say clemens and randy johnson never took steroids? they have alot of other effects outside of pure muscle growth
bonds got a lot bigger over about a 10 - 20 year stretch, there's nothing particularly questionable about that. Even as big as he is today, he is only 6'2' 235 (which is plenty within his genetic limit of attaining music).

and it is really hard in this steroid era to determine who is and who isn't on steroids. There has been very little to no conclusive evidence of anything so far, leaving only speculation and rumours of steroid use. The one thing I can say is that Bonds, in his era, compared to everybody around him is still by far the best player in the league. You can point to the roid scandals but who is to say albert pujols isn't on the juice or luis gonzalez when he hit 57 homers a few years ago. Its impossible to tell who is or isn't on steroids, and the only thing you can do is look at the player's performance compared to the other players of his time priod.

not to mention that half the people so far that violated the roid policy were pitchers, who is to say there wasn't an even playing field? who is to say clemens and randy johnson never took steroids? they have alot of other effects outside of pure muscle growth

lol i didnt say any of them arent using and chances are they probably are, though luis gonzalez hit something like 49 of his 57 against righties, so i doubt that boy is on steroids, he just likes right handed pitching. however, if you want to say its an even playing field, try to find out how many of his homeruns are against dominant pitchers like clemens and johnson. I doubt many are. i'm not saying they didnt take roids im saying they probably did, but hes one batter and there are a LOT of pitchers, how many of them are you saying are on roids? how many homeruns can you take away from pitchers who werent on roids when he was? how about that. every homerun he's hit against pitchers who were on roids while he was count, and every one he hit against those who werent dont count. i doubt hes 20 away from the record then, i bet its more like 150.

edit: best player in the league... yeah you're probably right, but by no means would that make him among the worlds alltime elite. at this point hed be getting close to canseco, not aaron. a-rod would have already passed him and the league would have moved on. he's not the best player of all-time, probably not even in the top ten, maybe not top 40 if you count pitching, but with these steroids he sees the ball in different colors and bigger, and for how many years has he taken them? theres just no way of knowing, but giving him credit for the things he's done just isnt necessary, nor accurate. you might as well have jeff gordon drive the 400 meter dash and give him credit for being the fastest man alive.
lol i didnt say any of them arent using and chances are they probably are, though luis gonzalez hit something like 49 of his 57 against righties, so i doubt that boy is on steroids, he just likes right handed pitching. however, if you want to say its an even playing field, try to find out how many of his homeruns are against dominant pitchers like clemens and johnson. I doubt many are. i'm not saying they didnt take roids im saying they probably did, but hes one batter and there are a LOT of pitchers, how many of them are you saying are on roids? how many homeruns can you take away from pitchers who werent on roids when he was? how about that. every homerun he's hit against pitchers who were on roids while he was count, and every one he hit against those who werent dont count. i doubt hes 20 away from the record then, i bet its more like 150.

the problem is that all of this is theoritical/speculative talk, there is no conclusive evidence about all of this. For all we know, 99% of the league could be on the juice as the roid policy of MLB was a complete joke until a few years ago. Not to mention if you look into MLB history, you will see LOTS AND LOTS of cheaters/players who would bend/get around the rules of the games. Bonds has been crucified because of factors like his history, his personality, his attitude towards the media, who always portrays him as a villain. Bonds has taken every fcking test he's been given and never tested positive yet he has to face all of this bullshit on a daily basis. People want to claim that he's on roids because he gained alot of muscle, when that was entirely a gradual process. Bonds, with the work ethic he has (or had in his prime), the resources he has, and the genetics he has been gifted with, it's not at all unrealistic or unreasonable to expect him to gain that much muscle over a 10 - 20 year period. Maybe he was on roids, maybe not - nobody knows outside of maybe his teammates and bonds himself. It's stupid to speculate about this BS because there are lots of hyioooge baseball players out there that hit alot of homeruns. I am not certainly not dismissing this steroid aspect, but I think it is incredibly unfair to look at bonds and then ignore everybody else.

In reality, he's the greatest player of our generation on every level, I say this as an entirely detached (and quite miserable) cubs fan who has no interest or association with bonds in any way shape or form. The man's on field abilities are unparalleled in this day and age, perhaps he was on roids but roids don't give you a 600 on base percentage or a .370 average. To ignore the man's abilities or to attribute them all to something like steroids is just plain ignorant

even before his 73 homerun explosion, he was one of the top 10 best players of all time (or on pace to be one of the top 10 best players of all time)
the problem is that all of this is theoritical/speculative talk, there is no conclusive evidence about all of this. For all we know, 99% of the league could be on the juice as the roid policy of MLB was a complete joke until a few years ago. Not to mention if you look into MLB history, you will see LOTS AND LOTS of cheaters/players who would bend/get around the rules of the games. Bonds has been crucified because of factors like his history, his personality, his attitude towards the media, who always portrays him as a villain. Bonds has taken every fcking test he's been given and never tested positive yet he has to face all of this bullshit on a daily basis. People want to claim that he's on roids because he gained alot of muscle, when that was entirely a gradual process. Bonds, with the work ethic he has (or had in his prime), the resources he has, and the genetics he has been gifted with, it's not at all unrealistic or unreasonable to expect him to gain that much muscle over a 10 - 20 year period. Maybe he was on roids, maybe not - nobody knows outside of maybe his teammates and bonds himself. It's stupid to speculate about this BS because there are lots of hyioooge baseball players out there that hit alot of homeruns. I am not certainly not dismissing this steroid aspect, but I think it is incredibly unfair to look at bonds and then ignore everybody else.

In reality, he's the greatest player of our generation on every level, I say this as an entirely detached (and quite miserable) cubs fan who has no interest or association with bonds in any way shape or form. The man's on field abilities are unparalleled in this day and age, perhaps he was on roids but roids don't give you a 600 on base percentage or a .370 average. To ignore the man's abilities or to attribute them all to something like steroids is just plain ignorant

even before his 73 homerun explosion, he was one of the top 10 best players of all time (or on pace to be one of the top 10 best players of all time)

lol i'm pretty sure he didnt hit 73 the year he started steroids. its not speculation dude, you're right, over ten or twenty years you can gain that much muscle, but your head doesnt grow. his anger towards the media? he hasnt always been like that, i attribute that to roid rage completely. roids give you a 300 obp and a 70 point average boost, which without it would make him pretty average actually. being on pace means nothing because there's no way of knowing when he started them. he may have been average without them, you cant tell for sure. yeah its all unproven, but its also not discredited at all. theres no way of knowing when he got into them so theres no way of knowing how good/bad he would have been. stupid argument to be having in the first place.
I love it how hot water systems only blow up when you've got no cash at all and the weather is cold.

Damn that Murphy and his cunting law to Hell. :mad:
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